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covenar�ts anc� agreements of this Lease shall not be al�ered, modified or amer�ded except in <br />writing signecf by L.andlard and' Tenant. <br />(f) Severability, ,4ny �ravisions af this Lease which shal! prove tio b� invalic�, voic# or illega! <br />shall in no way affect, im�air or invalic�ate any other provision hereof anc! the remaining <br />�ravisions shaq neverti�eless remain in full force and efiFect. Ef the intent o# any sectior�s of <br />tf�is L.ease so indicaC�, tfie ak�ligati:ons of Tenan� p�irsuar�t to such sectians af this Lease si�aEl <br />survive the term€nation of this Lease. <br />{g} No Accord and Satisfactian, No p�yment by 1"enar�t or receipt by Landlord of a <br />lesSer arnount than the Arinual REnt 5t�pulated herein shalf �e deemed to be other than on: <br />account of the earliest stip��lated A.nnual Rent, nor �I�al€ any en.darsement ar statement on <br />any check �r any letter accorrmpanyinc� any checl< or payment as rent f�e deemed an accord <br />and sati�faction, and Landford si�a.�l accept suc� checl< or payrnent without prejudice to <br />Landlord's right ta recover the baiance of sucn Annua! Rent �nd ather ci�arges or pursue <br />any other remedy in this #�ease. f��o receipt for� mnney by �.andlard from Tenant ar any other <br />person after terrr�iriation of this Lease or after thE service of any norice or a€tEr t}�e <br />commencement of any suit, or �fter fir�al judgment for possession of the Premises shalf <br />reinstate, continue or extend rhe �ern7 of this Lease or affect any such notice, derr�ar�d. or <br />suit, or im�ly consent r'cr �ny a�tion For which Landlord`s conse��t is req��ired, unless <br />specifiicafly agreed to in writing by Landlorcl. Any amounts recelved by Landlord rr�ay be <br />allocated to any sp�cific amounCs due from �f�nant to Landlord. as Landlord determines. <br />(h} Governing l_aw. ThiS �.�ase shall be construed and governed by the laws of tl�e State <br />in which the Shopping Center is located. All: rights and occupancy of Tenarit herein sha€I k�e <br />subject to a!I governmeneal [�vrs, arclinances �nd rec�i�lations, and Ter�ant shal.l earnpiy wit� <br />the same. <br />(i) �Jotices. I�fl notices wl�ich Landfard or Tenant may be re�uirec�, or may desire, to serue <br />on the other may be served by personal service or �y mailing �y registered or certifi.�c! mail, <br />postage prepaid, or overriight courier service, addres�ed �o Cf�� other pa:rty as set forth in <br />the I�ATA S�IEET„ or at such ather �d:dress anc{ to s��ch other parties as fihe parties may <br />from �irr�c to time de�ignate to th� other in wr�ting. Th� time af rendition of such notice shall <br />be cleemed to be the time when: the �otice is �i�f�er person:a:lly cleliv�re.d or depasited En t�e <br />rt�ail or c�iv�n to SLICh courier as herein provided. <br />{j} f�o Reservation. �he s�rl�mission a� this Lease for examinat�on c1a�s not canstitute � <br />reservation a� o�tion to iease C}�e Pret�ises and this Lease k��con�es effective �s a I:ease only <br />upon execution and d�livery thereof by Landlord and Tenant. Employees or agents of <br />Land�orc� have no authority to rnal<e ar ac�ree to mal�e a le�se or other agreement or <br />undertaking in cannection therewith. Tenant co�firrr-is that Landlard and: its ac�ents have <br />i�nade r�o re�resentations or promises with res{�ect to the Prernises or the making of or <br />entry int� Lease �xcept as in this Le�s� expressly set forth, and agrees that no claim or <br />liability shali be asserted by Tenant against Landlard for, and Landlord shaVl not be fia�le by <br />reasan of, br�ach or any representation or �romfses nat ex�ressly stated in this �ease. <br />�his L.ease can be mociifie� or �Itered: only by ac�reement ir� wrsting between Landlord and <br />1$ <br />