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�XHIBlT C Ta RETAEIr LEASE <br />RU�ES AND REGUL/�TIONS <br />This ExF�iE�it C is herehy incorporated in�o, made a par-t af, �nc� is subject to, that certain <br />�eas.e attached herew�th (the "'Lease"}. <br />SEC710N C- 1. Control of Corr3���on Areas. The sic�ew�ll<s, halls, passages, exits, and <br />entranees, of the Shoppinc� Center shall nat he ohstructec! f�y Tenant or used by it for any <br />�urpase other than for ingress ta and egress frori� the Pren�ises. The halls, passac�es, exits, <br />and entrances are for the t�se of the c�en�ral �u#�lic, and �and�ord sha.11 in all case5 retai� the <br />rGght to control and �arevent access thereto of all persnns whose presence in ihe sofe <br />judgmet�t of Landlord would be prejudicial ta the safety; eharacter, reputation and interests <br />of the Sfioppirig Center, except in areas that �andlord may designaCe as "Gommon Areas" <br />frorr� time ta time. <br />SECTf�N' C- 2. Windows. fVo awr�irig, can:opy or ot��er projection of any kir�d over or around <br />the windows or er�[rances of tfze F�remises shai! be ins*alled k7y Tenarrt,. and onfy� such winc�ow <br />coverings as are approv�d by Lancilord shall be usec! in the �'remises. <br />SECTION C- 3. Cool�inc�; Loe!_ ing_ T�e Prer'nises shall ��ot be used far lodgi�g or sleep'rng, <br />and unless ar�ciflary to a restaurant or othe�- food service us� specifica{ly autharized in the <br />Lease, no coo� shall I�e dane ar permitted by T�nont on the Prernises, except tF�at the <br />preparation of cof(ee, tea, hot chacolate and siniifar items for Tenant and i�s employees <br />sh�ll be �e�rn��ted. <br />SECTfON C-�+. Janitorial 1'Varlc. Ail janitoriaf worl< for the Premises sha!I �e �aid for by <br />Tenant, Any �ersan ar persans emf�ioyed hy Tenar�t to do janitorial wark shall be st�bject <br />to and under t�te cantro� of Landlord �r Landlorcl's agent while in the Sho�ping C�nter and <br />the Prerriises. <br />S�CTION C- 5. Kevs. L�ndlard will' furnish Tenan�: with t�ro (�) Iz�ys to khe Premises, fr�� o� <br />charge, Tenant, u�on �#�e terminatia� of t�a Lease, shaff celiver to Landlorc! all keys ta <br />daors in th� Sho�ping Center and the Pr�mises. <br />SECTiON C- 6. Hazardous r�laterials, Tenant shall r�ot us� or keep in �he Pr�mises ar in the <br />5hopping Center any Iserosene, c�asoline ar flai�mable c�r cor�bustible f�uid or materials or <br />use any metl�od of �eating or air concfEtioninc� c�rher than that sup�lied by �and.lord. Tenant <br />s�all not use, 1<eep or permit or suffer the Prernfses tc� be occupied or usecf in. a manner <br />offensive or objectiona:ble ta Landlord or ather occupants of the Shoppi�g Center by reasan <br />of noise, odars and/or �fbratians, ar interfe�e in any wvay witF� other Tenants or th�s� having <br />business in th� Shopping Center. <br />7? <br />