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Sammy Shaker <br />tth Grad� - RAMS <br />Mr. Lauir�ger <br />Third Place <br />Human Rights Essay <br />The world is not p�rfect. This is the canclusian made by humans over thousands <br />of years. However, people have tried to make the world a better place since the dawn of <br />time, by setting down rules for the treatinent of others that should be followed by all <br />peopie. The main set of ruIes for the treatrnent af all humans in the world is the Universal <br />DecIaration of Human Rights, created by the UN. Sadly, not all countries follow these <br />�-ules. An example of this is the C�inese occupation of Tibe�. <br />Tibet is locate� in Central Asia, and it is about a quarter of �he size of India. In <br />195Q, the People's Republic of China invaded Tibet. They were not accepted by the <br />Tibetan people, so in 1956, rebelIions brake out in Amdo and easterir� Khan. It was <br />cruelly crushed by the Chinese in 1959, as they kitled tens of thousands of Tibetans. It <br />was at this time that the 14`h Dalai Lama and some of his government principles fled to <br />India, where they have stayed io this day. <br />China claiins that the Chinese occupation of Tit�et is leading to prosperity and <br />technological advancement, It can be plainly seen frorn the way the Tibetans react to the <br />Chinese that this is nat the case. Qver 1.2 millian Tibetans have been ki7led since the <br />Chinese invasion of Tibet, and the Chinese have aliowed 6 tnillion Han Chinese to settle <br />in Tibet. There are now more Han Chinese in Tibet than Tibetans. In addition, Tibetans <br />are prohibited from carrying or having a Tibetan flag. In their own horneland, they have <br />fewer rights than ihe Han Chinese iiving on their land. Tibetans are ahused, threatened, <br />starved, and beaten by the Chinese governrnent. This is all in violation of the Un�versal <br />Declaration of Human Rights, which states that everyone is born with the same rights. So <br />