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those Tibetans in their home cauntry, in the eyes of the UN, are na different than we in <br />the United States. Then why are they being treated differently than us? Are they not <br />human? <br />Unfortunately, this seeins to be the Chinese opinion af ihe Ti�etans. China is a <br />found�ng member of the UN, so t�iey are the most obliga#ed of all countries to fo�law the <br />Universal Deciaration of Hurnan Rights. From the way the Tibetans have been treated, it <br />seems that China is outright disobeying this declaration. This declaration is also being <br />violated in that it states that all people should have the right ta govern themselves. The <br />Chinese government has forced the Tibetan governrnent into exile in India and �as put in <br />their place Han Chinese, who will a�ways be in favor of China, not Tibet. <br />One of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights also states that <br />every person will have the right to chose and follow their own religion. Since the 1950 <br />occupation, 6000 places of worship l�ave been destroyed by the Chinese. The Chinese are <br />forcing their own Communist system upon the Tibetans, in which they discourage <br />religion and encaurage atheism and agnosticism. This is rn direct violatian of the <br />Universal I3eclarat�on of Hurnan Rights, which states that every person has the right to <br />have their own religian, and are not obligated to fallow the religion of the state. One af <br />the other major religious pro�lems was the choosing of the Panchen Larr�a, a religious <br />leader that is traditionally chosen by the Dalai Lama. The 1�`h Dalai Lama chose young <br />Gedhun Choekvi Nyirrka, in contrast with the People's Republic of China's choice of <br />Gyancain Norbu. The choasing af the Panchen Larr�a is traditionally a religious affair, so <br />the Chinese governmen# should r�ot interfere with reIigious matters. Gedhun Choekvi <br />Nyi�-na anc� his family are currently under "a hidden identity far protection and privacy", <br />