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as stated by the People's Republic of China. Gyancain Norbu is now he�d to be the real <br />Panchen Larna, though the Tibetan Government in Exile know him as the Panchen Zama, <br />literaIly fake Panchen Lama. This is anather exampie of the oppression of Tibet by <br />China. <br />Most of t�e people reading �his essay will ask, "What can we do about this?" The <br />easiest way is ia sirnpIy log on to www.freetibet.or� and find out what you can do far <br />Tihet. Other ways you can help are to ge� petitions signed for restrictions upon China, ta <br />help grve the Tibetans more money, starting rnare raliies for Tibet, and wr�ting letters to <br />high gavernment off�cials about Tibet. <br />One of the inost unfortunate things about Tibet is that countries still seem ta be <br />trading with China in the same way they have for years. No country is forcing trade <br />restrictions upon China beca�se of Tibet, even though they have the right ta force <br />restrictions upon countries that break UN laws. This is prabably because China provides <br />rnost of the world with materials and items. It seems as tho�gh co�ntries have just <br />forgatten abaut the Tibetans. But people should never forget about T'ibet. For Tibet <br />e�np3�asizes the struggle of the underdog in a dog-eat-dog wor�d. Tibet stands �or the idea <br />that ali people are created equal, and they al� have the same basic h�tnan rights as <br />everyone else. If we forget abaut Tibet, then we wili have forgotten the Holocaust, the <br />Civil Righis Mavement, the Belgian Congo, and almost every other human rights <br />movement in the histary of the world; for they al� embody the idea that all men* are <br />created egual, from the day they are bo� to the day they die, from now and to farever: <br />*The word men is used here to symbolize a1I manEcind, not just ma[es. It is used for a rnore <br />expression, not as a sym�ol of bias toward males. <br />