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Jingyang Dong <br />8#h Grade - RAMS <br />Mr. ,lohnson <br />Third Place <br />Human Righ�s Essav <br />TASER Abuse <br />Human rights are the most basic rights and freedoms to w#�ich ail humar�s <br />are entitled. According io th� United Nations, a violation ofi human rights wo�ld <br />occur when an individua! vr group bread�es any part of the Universal Declaration <br />of H�man Rights or any ofher intemational human rights instrument. However, <br />certai�t groups of people or countries must also follow more 5p�cifc laws and <br />regulafions. For law enforcement offrciais, they musi also folfow the United <br />Nations Code Qf Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials and the U�ited Nations <br />Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by �aw Enforcem�nt Officials <br />afong with #he Universa! Declaration of Human Rights. A violation ofi any of th�m <br />woufd be a �iolation of human rights. <br />Over 300 p�ople have died si�ce 2001 because of the abuse of TASER <br />guns. Current{y, or�e example of a human rights �iola#ion wo�ld be the abuse of <br />the usage of TASER guns by law enforcement offcers. TASER gur�s are <br />weapons that �se Electro-Muscular Qisn.�ptior� iechnology to eause <br />neuromuscular incapacitatio� and strong musc�e contractior�s #hrough the <br />stimulation of sensory and motor nerves. TASER guns are effective on everyone, <br />including peopie with high pain tolerance, making it �ery usefuf to law <br />�nforcement officer5 to get control of the person they are dealing with. However, <br />when the use of TASER guns becomes excessive and improper, TASER guns <br />become abusive weapons. <br />