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TF�er� are se�era! reasons why TASER at�use is a vio[atior� o� human <br />rights. First, the excessive use of TA►SER guns creates severe pain and s�ffering, <br />whicf� in certain circumstances can be ciassifed as a form of tor�ure. This torture <br />�iolates #he United Nations Code of Conduct for Law Enfarcement Offieers, the <br />Bili of Righis, and the Universa� Dec(aration of Human Rights. Second, the <br />excessive use of TASER guns breaches the United Na�ior�s Basic Principles on <br />#he Use of Force and Firearms by Lawr Enforcement Officials. Third, the United <br />Na#ions Basic Principles on the Use t7f Force and Firearms by Law Enforcemen# <br />Officials says that before being dep�oyed, weapans should be carefully e�aluated. <br />Ther� has been littfe �o no research on TASER guns and what effect #hey have <br />on humans. The United Nations Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officia(s, <br />Article S, states t�at the code cannot be bmicen or it is a vialation of human righ#s: <br />T�e thre� reasons listed abo�e indicate that TASER ab�se breaks the code. <br />Therefore, it is in violation of human rights. <br />The U�iversa! Declaraiion of Human Righ#s defines tarture as, "... a�y act <br />by which severe pain or suffering, vvf�ether physical or mental, is intentionafly <br />inflicted... on a p�rson for such purposes as... punishing him for an act he <br />committed, or is suspected of having committed..." Wi�en a TASER gun is fred <br />at a person, #hat person experiences severe pair� and coilapses instan#ly. Often, <br />the reason why the TASER gur� is fired in the first piace is #hat a police officer <br />wants to get the person being stur�ned under conirol, dur�ng either an argum�nt, <br />or when the person refuses to do what ihe police officer requests. This fulfills the <br />definition of torfure. Article 5 of the Universal Declaration o� H�man Rights states, <br />