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any officer that violaied the Code or the Ur�iversal Declar�tion of Human Rights <br />has violafed the rights of #�urraans. As of today, #here have been many viofations <br />of the Cade and t�e Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the abusiv� use o� <br />TASER guns. Therefnre, TASER abuse is a violation ofi h�man rights. <br />Currentiy, tt�ere is not much that has been dor�e about TASER abuse, <br />because TASER policy is o�ten a locaf issue_ Individuai law enforcement <br />agencie5 decide the poficies. People can help by lobbying in their own city to <br />suspend the use of TASERs, or ask #'or more safiety research on TAS�R guns. <br />To impro�e a towr�'s TASER po[icy, people can requ�st infiormation about <br />TASERs, and then write to their police depariments. They can also include <br />advice on how io change the TASER poficy. There have been many cases in <br />which signed �etitions have changed a tor�m's TASER po�icy. There are also <br />many ather ways to change a town's TASER policy. Most of t�e time, regular <br />people are the ones who act ar�d because of them, many innocent fives can ba <br />saved. <br />TASER abuse is a viola#ian of human rights in many different ways. It can <br />be corrected if the TASER policy is improved. Let us wori�c together so iha� there <br />wif! be fewer violations of human rights, and the worid will be a better pface for <br />many more people! <br />