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Qn November 13, 20�6, Kristina Fretter was shocked while in handcuffs at <br />� police statior�. She was drunk ar�d uneor�scious. She also died shortiy. <br />These incEdents of excessive use of TASER guns have �iolated Article 3 <br />of the Ut�ited Naiions Code o� Cond�ct for Enforcement Officers, which <br />states, °�aw �nforc�ment officials may use �orce oniy when strictfy necessary <br />and to the e�ctent required for #he performance of iheir duty", and are Violatiorts of <br />human righ#s. <br />"The developmeni and depfoyme�t of non-fethal incapaeitaiing weapons <br />should be carefully evaluaied.:. and tF�e use of sucFt weapons shouid be carefully <br />cor�trolled", states the United iVations Basic Prir�ciples on the Use of Force and <br />Firearms by Law Enforcement OfFicials. The efFeeis of TASER guns on people <br />ha�e r�ever been studied hefore they started to be used o� �umans. According to <br />Am�esty Intemaiionai, the onEy research that Taser Intemaiior�al, (t�e <br />manufac#urer of TASER guns), has done on th2 effects of the TASER guns is <br />having a company-p�id farmer and doctor stun a pig and f�e dogs with a TASER <br />gun. Taser Internaiionai neVer researc�ed the effects of TASERing a human. <br />Using a weapon on a human before it is fulfy evatuated is a violation of h�man <br />rights. <br />Finally, Article 2 of the United Nations Code of Cor�duct for �aw <br />Enforcement Officers states, "in tl�e performance of their cEuty, iaw enforcement <br />officials shalf... uphoid the human rights af all persons_" and Article 8 states, °Law <br />enforcement officials shall respect ihe iaw and the preser�t Code. T#�ey sha�] <br />also... pre�ent and rigorously oppose any �iolations of them." TF�is asse�is that <br />