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Jordan Burich <br />8th Grade - RAMS <br />Ms. Arctrer <br />Honorabte Men�ion <br />�i � ,� ��F � �� � � �; ;� � � � �� �` � � � , �"����� � �� <br />- � � ° <br />� � <br />� �� ' ,� �`4�� � � � �, � � �� � ( �, � ���'1 � �� <br />' �r" . .m ... ... - � ' / F�:" <br />Has there ever been a big problem with illegal imrr�igrants in Iowa? W�it, I went <br />on the web to find an article that violated a�uman ri�;ht. I think I foc�nd a�oocE one. Ii is <br />about a hu�e raid o� illegal imr�i�rants working ir� a rr�eat plani. Not just any n�eat plant, <br />the biggest kosher n�Eat plant in thE natian. The gaver�nent had been pIanning this raid <br />for months, the im�nigratio� authorities frorn the Immigraation and Customs <br />Enf€�rcement were i� cc��rdinat�on witi� t�e iacai authari#ies. in ane day they arrested <br />around 3$7 people. It oniy took fc�ur days fc� s�nt�nee 297 workers ta S�rtanths in prison <br />for faise doeu�nentation. Two peopie got ser�tenced for one year in prison for the same <br />offe�se; and S inore were con�icted of a dif�erent criine. The �ast tweniy-seven ��vere just <br />�ut on pro�atiar�. <br />Thc�se ar�ested were rnainly from Guatemal�. They caat�e into th� court rac�m in <br />��-o�ps of 1Q and they all had shac%les on their hands and feet. They ha.d a Spanish <br />interpreter say there pleas for them because they could not speak English. Qne l�y one, <br />they stated they had taken the job using fraudulent iinmi�ation docutnents and/or social <br />security CardS. Right a'�t�r they were dvne with this, they wEre 3naved to another court <br />roo��� for sent�ncing. <br />Ti�e prosec�tors mad� a pl�a bargain to plead guilty for the lesser crirr�e to avoid <br />ir�ore serious charges, A lot af the i��migrants agreed to iE�mediate departatio� after there <br />sentence was up. The National Cattle Congress in Waterloo held the hearing_ The place <br />had mobile traiiers and a dar�ce hall that was �odified to handle the proceedings. <br />Wha# I thin�: violated � hu��an right ti�vas that the iin�nigra�ts ��ere denied a <br />rneeting wit� an im�nigration lawyer. They were rush�c�thrc�ugh the prc�secution pr�e�ss <br />without due p�ocess. The police c�fficecs even say yot� have a r�ght to a iawyer, they say it <br />whe� they make a�� arrest. The im�igrants shou�d �a�e tt�e sam� rights in the prosecution <br />process as if they were U.S Citizens. The whole thing was over in four days, they had <br />rnade t�e sentences for the workers and everything. This is why the A��ericar� <br />�mmigration Lawyers Assaciation protested. <br />