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Regu.lar City Council Meeting <br />Monday, Jan�ary �2, 2009 <br />P�ge 18 <br />Mayor Klausing suggested that the �ouncil extend current legal services for ane <br />year, allowing additional tiime for review of the existing policy language and fur- <br />ther discussions durit�g that time. Mayar Klausing opined that Councilmemb�rs <br />had received the packet materials alIowing f�r suffcient review time of t.his <br />agenda item, and allowing them �o make an informed decision. <br />Councilmember Pust reiterated her opinion that ihe City was bound by statutorily- <br />defined competitive bidding, allowing the sarne opportunity for all bidders; and <br />questioned if the City was opening themselves �p for proeess arguments from <br />other bidders by extending the incumbents' can�racis at tor�ight's meeting. <br />Mayor Kiausang agreed to disagree, opining that this was not the case for the low- <br />est bidder, b�t acting on the City Manager's recammendation. <br />Coi�ncilmember Roe op�ned the need far a Iess arbitrary way to achieve the objec- <br />tives beyond ihe or�ginal policy language and six year limitaii�n. Councilmember <br />Roe� note�d that the Ci�ty had the right to reject aIl bids; extend t�e current contracts <br />for a year; and start from scratch going �arward foilowtng further policy diseus- <br />sion. <br />Klausing moved, Roe seconded, rejecting all bids for City Civil Attorney and <br />Prosecuting Attorney services; and extension of current incumbent services for an <br />additional ane year period through 2009 at the same terms as those provided in <br />2008. <br />Councilmember Ihla� reQuested th�� the City �ouncil havE access to all proposals <br />bef�re cQnszdering suc�h action; opining that this would deterrnine ho�v she would <br />argue the motion. <br />City Manager Malinen provid�d copies of the �riginaI proposaTs and related mate- <br />rials for� Councilr�ember �hlan's review. <br />12ecess <br />Mayor Klausing recessed the meeting at 8:21 p.�n. �nd reconvened at 8:34 �.m. <br />Councilmember Ihlan, following her review ot� the proposals; spoke against the <br />rnation; and for the record, provided her summar� of each firm's bid, and her per- <br />ce�tion of the performance of �he incumbents. Councilmernber Ihlan opined that <br />the City Council had no� given careful consideration to opportunities to save <br />money, even with the current economic and budgetary concerns, and needed to <br />seriously cansider such savings in the competitive rnarketplace. Councilmember <br />Ihlan further opined her concerns wi�h perforrnance of the attorney firms, specifi- <br />cally the Civil attorney, and more specif�cally to their advise on vari�us T�vin <br />Lakes rec�evelopment issues, and subsequent court decisrons contrary to that ad- <br />vice. Councilmember Ihlan opined that, by the City being sued by their own resi- <br />dents on Twin Lakes issues, as vtrell as tih� Acorn Road situatian, with the Court <br />