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Regular Ci� Council <br />Monday, Jan�uary 12, 2009 <br />Page 19 <br />deciding in favor of th� residents, it indicated that the Cit� Council was not d.oing. <br />their jobs, nor that their civil attarney was providing prudent and accurate legaI <br />advice. Councilmember Ihlan nated thai the Council majority, exclusive of her <br />lack o� support, had cancurred with that legal advice to the detriment of the com- <br />inunity itself; in addition to subsequent majority agreement for financial sertle- <br />ments, casting the City's taxpayers additional rrronies. <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke in opposifion to any motion to extend contracts, spe- <br />cif c to the Cit�'s civil attorney, opinin.g that it did not serve the pubIic or City's <br />interest to extend this contracE. <br />City Manager Mal'znen 6riefly reviewed the process for City ratification of the <br />City Manager's recommendations for legai services; and spake in support of the <br />City Council's action extending the contract, based on the process to-date, and al- <br />lowing for reconsideratian and revision of the current palicy. City 1V�anager Ma- <br />linen op�ned that, from staff 5 perspective and review o�' proposaIs, they were sat- <br />isfied wft�i the incumbent firms. City Manager Mal�nen further opined tihat, while <br />lawsuits and appeals were not samething anyone wanted ta go tllrough, at the end <br />af the day, everyone fra�n a staff perspective felt comfortable with the �evel of <br />s�erv�ces� received by the City. <br />Following further Cit� Council discussion, and confirming receipt of applicable <br />waivers from each firm to discuss data dee�ed private under the Data Practices <br />Act, it was majority City Council consensus that all bids received, in their en= <br />tirery, be mad�e part of th�se minutes far publrc review anc� information. <br />Further discussion included costs quated and/or reduced for 2009; quaiity analysis <br />af existiing bids; and anaIysis of performance included in the process. <br />Mayor Klausin� spoke in support of the motion; opining that the Iegal advice <br />provided to a client doesn't guarantee final results; and performance of the City'� <br />civil attorney was not determined by a standard that thei�r advice was always up- <br />held 100% by the caurt sys�em. <br />1Vlayor K�ausing reiterated past observaiions among Councilmemb�rs that each <br />individual did indeed take their jobs and the best interest of the communrty irito <br />consideration with each of their decisions, but that Yt was unxealistic that each <br />member be in total agreement with all decisions. Mayor Klausing reiterated that <br />if a Coun�ilmember reached a different conctusion than iheir coileagues, that <br />didn't mea� they took their responsibility less seriausly. <br />Cour�cilmemher Pust advised that her analysis woulc! have lead to her support of <br />tk�e incun�bent firms; however, noted that she wouid be voting against the motion, <br />due to her concerns regarding the process itseif. <br />