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Impact: <br />Cuerently, there are fivE �irefighters schedtiifec! to be on-duty 24 houcs-a-day. The personnel are <br />split into two crevvs; a crew of twa on the medical response vehicle and a crew of thr�e on the <br />fire engine. When a medioal call �s received, it is the nature ar�d severity of the cail ihat <br />determines which cr�w (or if both crews) will respond. If t�ere is a report �t� a medical call, only <br />ihe medical crew will respond. IE there is a second medical call while tl�e f rsi medical call is <br />being handled {this l�appens abaut 30% of the time) then the engine crew will respond to the <br />second medica! ca1L Ifthe n�edical call sounds critica] {carc�iac arrest, r�on-i�reaiher, uncot�scio�s, <br />vehicle accident, ete.) then botIi crews my respond because of the labor-intensive nature of <br />praviding medical care to critical patients: When a patient is criticaI, one of the on-duty <br />fire�"ighters inay ride d�wn to the hospital with Alli�a. If there is a report of a fire, both cr�ws <br />r�spond. <br />The hati�rs of 10:OOpm to 10:00arn r�verE chosen for the staffing reduc#ion because this timeframe <br />represents the least busy hours af the day for fires and medicaI emergencies. Roughly one-third <br />of ei��ergency calls occ�r during the hours when staffng will be reduced, The exposure fron� <br />reduced staffing dtiring tllese hours is reducad because evenrng hours represents the time when <br />the highest number of fi:re�ght�rs are available for calIbacics from home. � <br />