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M�MORAI�IDU� <br />DA.TE: February 27, 2009 <br />TQ: Bill Malinen, City Manager <br />�1�OM: Richard B. Gasaway, Fire Chief <br />RE: Bu�dget I�eduction Plan <br />To acllieve the $48,000 reduction necessary to balance the 2009 bud�eC, we propose reducing the <br />on-dufy part-time shift staffng by 12 shift hours per day (a day is defined as a 24-hour period). <br />A reduct�on of 12 hours each day equates to the eliminatian of seven part-time sllifts per week <br />(�ne shift eacll2�-E1oLU� period). This would �e accarnplisIled by having one sch�dul�d posiiion <br />working Iess hours eacl� shift. The affected employee wouId be rotated each week so each <br />fireCg�ter is impacted by reduced h�urs plan. Each shift wi71 maintain a mit�ifnum of staffing of <br />four firefighters. Thus, if t��e fifth scheduled firefighter were to repat'C off, tl�e shift would run <br />with f�ur and no firefighter's hours would be reduced foi� t��at shift (because of the savings woulc� <br />be achieved frorn the fiftlz firefighter reporting �Ef}: Part-time firefighters working nighttime <br />shifts �ould ertd their shift at lO;QOpm (versus worlcing unt�� 6,OOarn}. Part-�ime firefighter� <br />workiilg daytime shifts would start il�eir� shift at 10:00am (versus 6:OOam). '�`his equaies t� a 12- <br />hour reduction in part-time staffing each 24-hour period, betr�veen the hours of 10:00pin and <br />1 �;OOain. <br />As praposed, tt�is plan is expected Eo creaie a budget savings: $48:647. <br />