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Carolyn Cur�i <br />__ _ - - - - �� <br />From: <br />Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 5:29 PM <br />To: Carolyn Curtf; Margaret Driscoll <br />Subject: Online Form Submittal: Commission Application <br />The following %rm was su�mitted via your website: Commission Application <br />PIease check cammission applyin� far: Planning Commission, Public Works, Environn�ent and Transportatian <br />Comn�ission <br />If other, please lis� name: <br />Naine:: Glenn R. Cook <br />Address:: 2292 Western Avenue N. <br />City, State, Zip: I7osev�l��, MN 55113 <br />Work Experience: Civil Engineer wzth Bonestroo Rasene Anderlik & Asso. - 40 years <br />IV�n/Dot techniiion 2 years <br />�ducation:: B� Civil Engineering � Univ o�Minn, <br />Civic and Volun�eer Activities {P�ast and Present}:: Coached Baseball &�asketbalI{traveling) - Rasevr�lle <br />Cub Scouts & Boy Scouts. <br />City �ngineers assa. (CEAM} - Planning Cornm.. <br />American Public Warks As�o.(APWA) <br />American Council of Er�ginering Companies (A�EC) � Presicient <br />Minnesota �ngi�neering & Surveying Soaiety {MSES) <br />Church - St. Odelia <br />P`lease state your rea,sons for wanting to serve on the Cammissian/GommitteelTask �`orce:: Public Works, <br />Environfnent and Transpartai�on - I am interested in helping the city preserve it's infastructure. Having worked <br />in this area all of iny career it wil�l be easy to catch tip and provide ins�ite to projects and acti�ities t1�e <br />city is working on. I a very interested in d�ing what we can ta irnpro�e our environment at a reasonable cost: <br />Planning Commision - r have worked with several city pIannir�g corrL.r�.isions over the years. Providi�g �dvice <br />on subdivisrtons, site work and utilities. I have completed camprehensive plans �'or starm water ,�'ransportation <br />and Utilities. Most of these p[ans have been built aut. <br />What is �our view af the role of this Commission/ Committee/Task Fotce?: Public �Uorks, Environment and <br />Transportation Commision. - Provide Assistance to the Public �Varks Department with plannin� and <br />impleinentation of the cities goals. <br />Planning �om7nision - Provide assistance io the Planni�g department wi�tll planning and irnplementation of the <br />ci�iES goais. <br />