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Any further information you would like the City Council ta consider or that you feel is relevant to the <br />appointrnent yau are seeking.: I am familar with the city having lived here for 39 years. <br />I have the tim� availa�te to research issues and provide input: <br />I would like ou�r city to con�inue its evolu�ion in a qualit� �ay. <br />I understand that all infarmation provided in ihis applicaiion, except my telephor�e number, fax number and <br />email address, may be c�istributed by the City to the public including, but not Iimited to, being posted on the <br />City of Roseville website. I agree ta waive any and all claims under the Minnesota Government Data Practices <br />Act, or any other applicable state and federal law, that in any way related to the dissemination to the public of <br />information contained in this application that would be classified as private under such taws. I understand that I <br />may contact the respon�ible authority for the City of l�oseville if I ha�e any questions regarding the pub�ic or <br />private nature of the information provided.: Yes <br />I undersEand that the City �vill not publisf� mq phone or fax numbers or email address without my anthorization <br />and do h�reby alIow the City to publish (check all ihat apply).: Home telephone number <br />Daytin�e Phone: <br />Evening Phone: <br />Cell �hone: i <br />Home Phone (zf differen�}: <br />Work Phone {if different): <br />Home Fax: <br />Work Fax: <br />Home Email: � �� � <br />Wark Email: <br />St�dent Appli�catior�; Na <br />If yes, please list your grade: <br />May we contact �ou using your wark email or fax?: Yes <br />I have read and t�nderstand the stateanents an this form, and I hereby swear or affirm that the sCatem�nts on t��s <br />form are true. : `Yes <br /> Informatian: <br />�'orm submi#ted on: 1/19/2009 5:20:Sq PM <br />5ubmitted from IP Ac�ciress: <br />