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Committe C�erk (1986j <br />Assisted Stiate Senator with ��gisla�ive duties and constituent services. <br />Education:: University of St. Thomas - St. Paul [v¢s <br />&#61607; M.B.A. Program, 1999 - 2005 <br />University of Minnesota �aw 5choal - Minneapolis, M�7 <br />&#61507; J.D. 1992 <br />Augsburg College - Minneapolis, MN <br />&#6�607; Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude, 1984 <br />Civic and Volunteer Activities (PaSt and Present):: Den Leader, Pack 15D, Roseville <br />(2008LL2009) <br />Assistiant Basketba�l Coach, RYBA, (2pd8-2409) <br />Act.ive in political campaigns at the municipa�, s�a�e, and national levEls while attending <br />high schoal; callege; and several. years beyond (1980 - 1992} <br />Ple�se state your reasons for wanting to ser�e on the Comm.ission/Committe�/Task Force:: As <br />a Rosevi�le resident and parent, I'm interested in helping plan for the future economic <br />vita�it� of our community. T want �a ensure that �oseville continues to a�tract new and <br />vital businesses - whi�e serving as a grea� place to �ive and razse families. By serving <br />on the Planning Commission, I could help make decisions about future development that <br />serve the long-�erm economic interest of Roseville and its citizens. <br />What is your view of the role of this Commission/ Cammi��.ee/Task Force?: The Planning <br />Commission serves to gather citiizen inpu� on upcoming deve�opment projects and advise the <br />City Council on develapment matters. <br />Any furtiher �nfarmation you would like the City Council to conszder or that you feel is <br />relevant to the appointment you are seeking:: In additian my recent work experience in tihe <br />private sector; I've worked for both city and state gavernments.. My work far the City of <br />Minneapoi�s, as an emp�oye� of th� City Council and law cierk w�th �he City Attiorney's <br />affice, pravided a strong bac�ground on �egal �ssues related to developm�n� and �and-use <br />palnning. <br />� understand that a�l information prav�ded in this a�plication, except my �eTephone <br />number, fax numJ�er and emai� address, may be distrzbuted by the City to the public <br />including, but not ��m�ted to, b�Zng pasted on the City of Roseville website. I agree to <br />waive any and all claims under the Minnesotia Government Data Practices Act, or any other <br />applicable state and federal law, thaC in any way relat�d �o �he dissemination to �he <br />pubTic of information contained in this applicatzon that would be classified as privati� <br />under such laws. I understand that I rnay con�ac� the responsib7e authori�y for the City of <br />Roseville if I have any questions regarding the public or private nature of the <br />information provided.: Yes <br />I understand �hat the City wiTl not publish my phone or fax numbers or email address <br />without my authorization an� do hereby allow the City ta publish {chec� al� that apply).: <br />Home telephone number, Work �mai� address <br />Daytime Phone: 651-687-1635 <br />Evening Phane: <br />Ce�� Phone: <br />Home Phone (i£ dif��rant}: <br />Wark Phone (if different}: <br />Home Fax: <br />Work Fax: <br />Home Email; <br />� <br />