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� <br />Margare� Driscall _., � � - -� <br />, ,� <br />�rom: support@ci� <br />Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 4:30 PM <br />To: Carolyn Curti; Margaret Driscoll <br />Subject: On.line Forrn Submittal: Commission Application <br />The follpwing form was submitted via yaur we.bsite: Com[nissian Application <br />Please check comm�ssion applying for: Planning Commission <br />If otiher, please list name: <br />Name:: John Gisselquist <br />Ac�dress : : 1881 Shryer Aventie <br />City, State, Zip: Roseville, MN 55113 <br />Work �xperience: <br />I've held nurnerous positions at Wes�, a Thomson-Reutiers Company (1994 to present) <br />including, <br />Manager, L:i�igation Product Deve�.opment <br />2006 - Present, `Thomson-Reuters, Eagan, MN <br />&#61607; Develop new online and print products for Attorn�ys <br />Reference Attarney Divisional Manager <br />2002 - 20d6, Thomson-West, Eagan, M1V <br />&#61607; Supervised the daily wor� of second-tier custamer suppart professionals ensuring <br />that their wor3c met department objectives <br />Technoiog� Communications Manager <br />2D01. - 2002, ThomSOn-West, Eagan, MN <br />&#6i607; Managed the writing, produc�ion, and distribution af tecl�nology documentiation for <br />customers (e.g. online help systems, web sites, user guides, "how ta" brochures, quicl� <br /> fliers, installation guides, tutarials, and demos <br />Legal ProduCt & C�ien� Communi�a�ions fnlriter/Editor <br />2000 -- 2001, 'Thomson-West, Eagan, MN <br />&#61507; Developed arzd executed pl,ans £ar �ommunicati.ons materia�s ctzstomized to promote <br />and sup�or� Thomson-Wes�. products and services among legal professianals <br />Reference Attorney `7`eam Goordinator <br />1997 - 2000, west Group, Eagan, NIlV <br />&#61607; Supervised and plarined the daily work of customer support pra£essional6 ensuring <br />that their work met department objectives <br />Reterence Staff Attorney <br />1994 - 1957, West Group, Eagan, MN <br />&#616q7; Provid�d res�arch support for legal professionals using w�s� Group's online and <br />proprietary software <br />Several positions in s�.ate and municipal government: <br />Minneapolis City 1�ttorney's Office <br />Law Clerk {w�ile att�nding iaw school, 1990 =�,992) <br />Minneapolis City Council <br />Council Member Assis�arl� (1985 - 1989) <br />Assisted NIinneapalis City CounciY member wi�h a variety of tiasks, przmarily constituent <br />services (answering phones and rnail). <br />Minnesota State 5enate <br />1 <br />