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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
4/30/2009 1:57:07 PM
Creation date
4/30/2009 1:57:04 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 30, 2009 <br />Page 14 <br />Mayor Klausing clarified that the motion was not to rewrite the zoning code, but to <br />authorize staff to seek qualifications for a consultant to assist with revisions to the <br />zoning code. <br />Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff would return with specifics of a Request for Propos- <br />als (RFP) to the City Council, with staff recommendations, to facilitate further discus- <br />sion at that time. Mr. Trudgeon noted that the example of form-based zoning was in- <br />teresting; however, he was not sure if it was the best fit for Roseville; and noted this <br />was the staff's rationale for keeping all options open at this time, and allow for input <br />from available expertise from consultants. <br />Councilmember Roe spoke in support of a comprehensive look at the zoning code as <br />part of this action; noting that the current code had been in place, as amended, for 50 <br />years; and was an ad hoc code at this point, making it difficult to interpret and en- <br />force, as well as difficult for property owners and developers to interpret; and opined <br />that this was an opportunity to update that code. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Pust; Ihlan; Johnson; Roe; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />d. Discuss Twin Lakes Property Maintenance Code Enforcement <br />Councilmember Ihlan initiated discussion related to citizen concerns related to Twin <br />Lakes code enforcement issues, as detailed in the Council packet materials. Coun- <br />cilmember Ihlan questioned why code enforcement violations in the Twin Lakes area <br />were not being enforced, and how could they be addressed more systematically; and <br />whether such derelict buildings could be demolished at the property owner's expense <br />rather than spending public monies to remediate blighted properties. Councilmember <br />Ihlan sought to encourage Councilmembers to direct code enforcement action on the <br />identified vacant properties to address public safety concerns. <br />Mr. Trudgeon noted his a-mail response to the concerned adjacent property owner, <br />providing a context and past history. Mr. Trudgeon clarified that repeated code viola- <br />tions were not justified and imminent redevelopment of the site played a part in the <br />condition of the property. Mr. Trudgeon noted that code enforcement remained com- <br />plaint driven, given current staffing constraints, and that he had ordered inspection <br />staff to begin categorizing violations. Mr. Trudgeon advised that, at City Council di- <br />rection, staff could begin the notification process. Mr. Trudgeon noted that the goal <br />of everyone in the long-term was to see the buildings removed and redevelopment <br />proceed; but that he didn't anticipate current property owners to invest money to <br />bring the buildings up to code. Mr. Trudgeon further advised that two of the build- <br />ings identified would be demolished as part of this year's anticipated redevelopment <br />in the area. Mr. Trudgeon advised that the best solution would for demolition; how- <br />ever, noted that there was a definite distinction between nuisance and blight; and that <br />multiple policy issues were indicated. <br />
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