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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
4/30/2009 1:57:07 PM
Creation date
4/30/2009 1:57:04 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 30, 2009 <br />Page 13 <br />Gated that the Comprehensive Plan had received an initial analysis by the Metropoli- <br />tan Council, with several insignificant items missing and being provided for their <br />analysis in the next few weeks, with anticipated wrap up by the end of spring. <br />Ms. Radel noted that adoption would initiate the nine-month clock, as mandated by <br />State Statute, for bringing the City's official controls (i.e., zoning code and Master <br />Plans) into compliance with the updated Comprehensive Plan. <br />Ms. Radel noted that that the City's zoning code, initially adopted in 1959, had been <br />altered and amended many times over the last fifty years, and was no longer efficient, <br />making it difficult for staff, decision-makers, property owners, and developers to ade- <br />quately interpret it. Ms. Radel advised that staff was seeking authorization tonight to <br />seek qualifications from consultants to assist with the preparation of revisions to the <br />City's Zoning Code. Ms. Radel noted inclusion in the report of a draft Request for <br />Qualifications (RFQ); and allowance for atwo-step process; role of Planning and City <br />Council throughout the process in segmenting the review into more manageable sec- <br />tions; and the formal Public Hearing process at the Planning Commission and City <br />Council levels. <br />Discussion included staff's recommendation to hold off reintegrating Master Plans <br />into the Comprehensive Plan until it was formally adopted, and the need to continue <br />working off the existing Comprehensive Plan until formal adoption, then undertaking <br />amendment to integrate applicable Master Plans as appropriate. <br />Further discussion included public input process as recommended by consultants; po- <br />tential neighborhood meetings to gather public input in a less formal setting prior to <br />Public Hearings; whether a complete rewrite was necessary or whether only those <br />portions inconsistent with the updated Comprehensive Plan were indicated; and dif- <br />ferent land use categories and the need to reshape zoning districts to be consistent <br />with those categories. <br />Councilmember Pust provided her written comments and preliminary recommenda- <br />tions related to the RFQ to Mr. Trudgeon. <br />Klausing moved, Roe seconded, authorizing staff to seek qualifications from consult- <br />ants to assist with the preparation of revisions to the City's Zoning Code. <br />Councilmember Ihlan cautioned about the need for rewriting the zoning code rather <br />than simply making minimal changes to meet legal requirements. Councilmember Ih- <br />lan advised that she was willing to support the RFQ, as long as the action was not au- <br />thorizing hiring anyone or fixing the scope of the proposal; and urged the City Coun- <br />cil to have those discussion before significant consultant funds were expended; and <br />that minimal requirements be addressed until larger policy questions were defined. <br />
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