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sell at all. The realtors don't know where I can fmd a safe place to live with the money <br />I would have Ieft after the sale. When I bought my home under the Original <br />Declarations, I had no intention of selling. However, I cannot afford to subsidize the <br />Professor and her Professional Engineer spouse and the rest of the 401azge units. <br />Incidently, Sue Elkins and her significant other aze waiting until their unit is subsidized <br />by the smaller units so they can sell. Does that make them divisive? <br />2. COMMENTS/DISCUSSION WITH COUNCII., MEMBERS AND CITY STAFF <br />Jeff Johnson: Said to me in discussing this bid, "you will never be able to sell your home." <br />I guess Mr. Johnson finalized that forme. <br />Mayor Klausing, you asked Sue She at the council meeting, "is it true that each <br />person is paying for the cost of the wrapping of their own window? Sue said "yes." <br />Why ask the question if your not going to follow up and look at the bid? <br />The wrapping of windows and doors aze divided by 47. (See Attachment A). <br />Tammy Pust, said, I have been on the losing end. I wonder if any of you know what <br />its like to be on the losing end because you took care of a very sick spouse for 10 yeazs, <br />paying for health care costs of home care, day care and finally years of nursing home. <br />I didn't ask the State or my neighbors for financial support, but I downsized to <br />what I thought I could afford . In downsizing I never expected to subsidize my neighbors, <br />some who have, in addition to their units in WWV 1 ,also have one to two vacation <br />homes and collector cars. I too, after many yeazs of hazd work was middle class, but <br />that has all changed. I may be divisive, to save my small one bedroom home, its all I have. <br />I didn't ask the State or my neighbors to pay for our health care, but I did the responsible <br />thing, I downsized. I pay my own way, and all I ask is my neighbors to do the same. <br />When I talked to Ms. Pust on the phone, she said, "I don't know what your complaining <br />about, these new Declarations aze a better deals for you than the original one." I sent a <br />copy of the original Declazations, very clear and easy to read, I wonder if they were <br />read.. The original Deccarations say very clearly, we all pay for our own interior and <br />exterior work. The attorney, Mr. Klemm and the Board can spin it however they want, <br />they all know what the Declarations said, or they wouldn't have spent over $30,000. To <br />change them. WHAT A DEAL FOR THE CHRISTIAN ATTORNEY <br />Jeanne Kelsey, said that when Coon Rapids did the HRA Programs they divide by the <br />number of units. However, she neglected to explain that the townhomes are <br />approximately the same size. The condos, which may or may not be the same size, but <br />condos aze treated different than townhomes. I drove by and took pictures. Again, <br />incomplete facts and misleading information. <br />Sue Elkins an HRA member who lives in our association with her significant other <br />in a lazger unit, has threatened to sue me/or a restraining order, she sent the attached letter <br />to all the Association Members. I do not know Ms. Elkins as a person, I only know she <br />