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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
6/24/2009 8:53:40 AM
Creation date
6/24/2009 8:53:36 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 18, 2009 <br />Page 7 <br />agreement to facilitate the Metropolitan Transit park and ride project; and clearing <br />titles as agreed to by the City and property owner, Old Dominion. <br />Councilmember Ihlan questioned whether there was compliance related to code <br />enforcement issues and maintenance of this site; or whether truck storage issues <br />were evident on the property. <br />Mr. Trudgeon advised that, in accordance with his previous conversations with <br />Councilmember Ihlan, staff was monitoring the .site on an ongoing basis, particu- <br />larly since the City Council had ultimately denied earlier in 2009 an interim use <br />permit request by Old Dominion to store trailers on the site. Mr. Trudgeon ad- <br />vised that he had personally viewed the Xtra Lease parcel for non-compliance, <br />and it appeared that the truck/trailer storage was on the southern side of the prop- <br />erty, where substantial activity was occurring related to the park and ride facility <br />construction. However, Mr. Trudgeon advised that he would turn this matter over <br />to the City's code inspectors to determine compliance; noting that the property <br />owner may cause some dispute related to their perceived rights on the property, <br />but that staff would pursue that issue as well. <br />Councilmember Ihlan requested a status report from staff to the City Council <br />should code enforcement staff determine any non-compliance issues, or if the <br />truck storage is indeed related to construction activities; specifically to determine <br />if the property owner is in violation of the City Council's denial of their interim <br />use permit request. Councilmember Ihlan suggested that the City Council with- <br />hold action on this request pending receipt of the report from staff. <br />Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff would provide that update to the City Council. <br />Councilmember Pust questioned if, by taking this requested action, the City was <br />losing any leverage for code enforcement; and confirming that the property owner <br />had an obligation to comply with City Code related to code enforcement. <br />Mr. Trudgeon advised that the City was not losing any leverage for code en- <br />forcement; and confirmed that staff had provided for conditions for the City's va- <br />cation and recording of the vacation with Ramsey County. <br />Discussion included certain provisions of the Re-granting Agreement itself; 60- <br />day review deadline of June 12, 2009; potential resolution of storage compliance <br />prior to granting this request; specific land use issues and whether they were <br />linked to specific code enforcement issues; and the vagueness of the word <br />"promptly" related to page 2, Item 4 of the Agreement. <br />City Attorney Anderson, at the request of Mayor Klausing, advised that there was <br />no connection between the vacation agreement, contractual in nature; and that <br />there was no language in the Vacation Agreement that would prevent the City <br />
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