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<br />RES 0 L UTI 0 N <br /> <br />(.,;?,.5- ? <br /> <br />WHEREAS, there has been an assessment made against the property hereinafter <br />described for benefits in the installation of one oertain sewer by the Village <br />of Roseville, whioh property is desoribed as follows: <br /> <br />Wily 220 feet of Lot 2, Miohels Rearrangement of <br />lots 9 to 16 inolusi ve of Mackubin and Igleharts <br />Addition to Outlots to St. Paul, aocording to the <br />plat thereof on file and of record in the office <br />of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota; <br />subject to a 15 foot easement across the northerly <br />220 feet for roadway purposes and excepting the <br />southerly 250 feet thereof previously conveyed by <br />parties of the first part to the State of Minnesota <br />by warranty deed dated July 30, 1934, containing <br />approximately 1 acre more or less, <br /> <br />and, <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has taken a certain portion of the <br />above described property which portion is hereinafter described as follows: <br /> <br />All that portion of the westerly 220 feet of Lot 2, <br />Michels Rearrangement of Lots 9 to 16 inolusi ve of <br />Mackubin and Igleharts Addition of outlots to St.Paul, <br />aocording to the plat thereof now on file and of record <br />in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for <br />Ramsey County; which lies between two lines run parallel <br />with and distant 175 feet and 260 feet northerly of the <br />following described line: <br /> <br />Beginning at a point on the east line of section 12, <br />township 29 north, range 23 west, distant 508.2 feet <br />north of the southeast corner thereof; thence run <br />westerly at an angle of 890 42' with said east section <br />line (when measured from south to west) for 1,200 feet <br />and there terminating; containing 0.42 acre, more or less. <br /> <br />and, <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has issued payment jointly to Alvin W. <br />Richter as owner of said property, and the Village of Rosevil1e, for the property <br />so taken, and, <br /> <br />WHEREAS, it is necessary to divide the assessment heretofore made against <br />the ehtire property releasing all that portion taken by the State of l~nnesota <br />and assessing the balance against the remaining property, <br />