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1 and adds a sidewalk. There are three lots where 2 feet of right- of- way will need to be <br />2 purchased to construct the sidewalk. <br />4 Can the concepts be changed? How much flexibility is there with development proposals <br />5 that come forward in the future? <br />6 The drawings as shown in the report are concepts only, they will need additional design to <br />7 come up with the final construction drawing. It is not anticipated that these projects will <br />8 occur without a public process. It is Public Works Department Policy to go through a public <br />9 information process for all construction projects; this usually consists of 2 or 3 public <br />10 meetings prior to the project being constructed. It is also assumed that these improvements <br />11 will not all happen immediately. They would only occur when the traffic being generated <br />12 by a development proposal diminishes the level of service for the identified segments of the <br />13 roadway network. <br />14 <br />15 The intent of the Study was to determine the costs to implement the infrastructure <br />16 improvements identified in the Mitigation Plan show on pages 59-65 of the AUAR. This <br />17 mitigation plan is the City's commitment to address potential adverse environmental impacts <br />18 due to the development in the Twin Lakes AUAR area. The layout of the improvements; <br />19 (i.e. the number of lanes, length of turn lanes, additional signals, etc.) are consistent with the <br />20 mitigation plan approved by the City Council in the AUAR. <br />21 <br />22 As proposals come in they will be required to complete a separate traffic analysis that details <br />23 how that proposed redevelopment impacts the Twin Lakes AUAR mitigation plan. The <br />24 main objectives of that analysis study are as follows: <br />25 • Evaluate the traffic impacts at adjacent intersections <br />26 • Recommend improvements necessary to support the proposed development <br />27 • Review the recommended improvements in the context of the overall Twin Lakes <br />28 AUAR area <br />29 • Review the proposed development's proportional cost allocation for future <br />30 infrastructure improvements <br />31 • Review the proposed site plan and access <br />32 <br />33 Can the costs be assessed or assigned down the line? A PUD agreement will be executed for <br />34 all parcels impacted by the Report. If TIF is requested, there will also be a development <br />35 agreement for each proposal. Staff anticipates that the manner of collecting the costs to <br />36 implement the mitigation plan would be described as a condition of these agreements. <br />37 Options are to collect them up front, or collect them as projects are constructed. <br />38 <br />39 Could we develop a policy framework document that would detail the implementation of the <br />40 Study? Staff agrees that this should be developed to help clarify how the study will be <br />41 applied as developments come in. <br />42 <br />43 <br />44 We will bring this study back to the City Council at the February 25, 2008 Council meeting. <br />45 Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. <br />2 <br />