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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/6/2009 2:07:34 PM
Creation date
7/6/2009 2:07:30 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 15, 2009 <br />Page 14 <br />Mr. Young advised that, if the City thought the damaged vehicle was dangerous, a <br />pier could be built to place the vehicle upon. Mr. Young advised that he had <br />talked to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) to determine if they were in- <br />terested in the car to use as a teaching instrument, but had yet to hear back from <br />them. Mr. Young advised that the sister of the vehicle remained traumatized after <br />18 months; and that American Family Insurance was no longer interested in stor- <br />ing the vehicle, and was going to tow it back to a former residence of the de- <br />ceased; and he had taken the vehicle as evidence pending litigation. Mr. Young <br />advised that he could understand the concern if it were hazardous, but assured <br />Councilmembers that it was not being used for advertising. <br />Mayor Klausing clarified that the issue of advertising or signing was not included <br />in tonight's requested action; however, storage of a junk vehicle in clear violation <br />of City Code was the issue. Mayor Klausing advised that people had brought it to <br />his personal attention; and from his perspective, opined that the issue was a clear <br />violation of City Code. Mayor Klausing respectfully requested, if that would pro- <br />vide incentive to Mr. Young, that he remove the vehicle, that it presented a haz- <br />ard, and was unsightly; and asked that Mr. Young store the vehicle elsewhere. <br />Mr. Young advised that he was awaiting a decision from MADD, or from the next <br />of kin, before moving it. <br />Mayor Klausing sought a clear timeframe for Mr. Young to remove this violation; <br />with Mr. Young unable to provide a timeframe. <br />Mr. Young opined that a violation of City ordinance, under these circumstances, <br />warranted issuing a Citation. <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that this was something that could be worked out; <br />and that if Mr. Young could find somewhere else to store the vehicle sooner than <br />later, the violation could be corrected and the vehicle stored appropriately if it was <br />to be used for evidence in future litigation. <br />Mayor Klausing noted Mr. Young's previous comment about installing a pier <br />upon which to place the vehicle, indicating that Mr. Young was considering long- <br />term storage and continuing violation of City Code through such a suggestion. <br />Mr. Young stated that "this is not a cat and mouse situation; if you push me, I'll <br />push back." <br />Mayor Klausing respectfully reiterated his request that Mr. Young assure Coun- <br />cilmembers that the vehicle would be removed by the end of this week, to avoid <br />authorizing staff to issue a Court Citation. <br />
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