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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/6/2009 2:07:34 PM
Creation date
7/6/2009 2:07:30 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 15, 2009 <br />Page 15 <br />Mr. Young advised that he had written five letters to the decedent's sister, without <br />response; that he wasn't the owner of the personal property; and that he was <br />awaiting a decision from MADD as to whether they were interested in the vehicle <br />as a teaching instrument. <br />Mayor Klausing asked Mr. Young for his solution if none of those options pro- <br />vided asolution. <br />Mr. Young advised that he couldn't comply with the Mayor's suggested time- <br />frame to remove the vehicle by the end of the week; but that he would hope to <br />know something within ten days. <br />Mayor Klausing asked for a specific, defined timetable from Mr. Young's per- <br />spective as an alternative to his suggested resolution by the end of this week. <br />Mr. Young advised that he should be able to resolve the issue within three weeks; <br />and questioned whether the City had an impound lot where they could tow and <br />store the vehicle. <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke in support of Mr. Young's attempt to provide the <br />best use for the vehicle; and suggested that if Mr. Young couldn't find resolution <br />in a reasonable amount of time, that the City could impound the vehicle rather <br />than issue a Court Citation, since the vehicle didn't belong to Mr. Young. <br />Mr. Young concurred with Councilmember Ihlan, that this was a reasonable solu- <br />tion. <br />Mr. Munson advised that staff had received complaints from businesses in the <br />area, based on customer complaints those business owners had received, in addi- <br />tion to phone calls staff had received directly from citizens. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that this was often the case, that complaints were di- <br />rected to City staff rather than those violating City Code. <br />Mr. Young reiterated his concern that the complaints were faceless. <br />Mayor Klausing asked that Mr. Young consider the Mayor personally as making <br />this complaint; expressing concern that .there was potential danger in the unre- <br />solved violation of City Code; that the City recognized Mr. Young's dilemma; <br />and asked that Mr. Young respect a discussion among Councilmembers at this <br />time. <br />Staff provided a history of when the vehicle was first documented on the property <br />(approximately one month ago); and when staff provided notice to Mr. Young <br />(June 3, 2009) of the violations and this subsequent meeting. <br />
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