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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/6/2009 2:07:34 PM
Creation date
7/6/2009 2:07:30 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 15, 2009 <br />Page 16 <br />Mr. Young concurred with the timing as outlined by staff. <br />Mayor Klausing suggested authorizing staff to issue a Ramsey Court Citation, al- <br />lowing Mr. Young with two weeks to store the vehicle elsewhere or remove it <br />from site himself. <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke in support of impounding the vehicle as a better solu- <br />tion allowing for removal of the vehicle immediately. <br />Mayor Klausing recognized Councilmember Ihlan's suggestion; however, noted <br />that the vehicle was evidence in pending litigation. <br />Mr. Young confirmed that the other driver was currently serving time; and that <br />there was wrongful death litigation pending. <br />Mayor Klausing advised that this opened up liability issues if the City were to im- <br />pound the vehicle. <br />City Attorney Scott Anderson advised that if, as indicated by Attorney Young, the <br />vehicle was not his responsibility, and was evidence in future litigation; he rec- <br />ommended that the City not impound the vehicle, as it may face later claims that <br />the City did something to destroy evidence in a trial; and that staff's recommenda- <br />tion to act under the Court telling Mr. Young what to do with the vehicle was the <br />most appropriate action for consideration. Mr. Anderson advised that, based on a <br />wrongful death case, the City could petition the court, however, noted that the <br />City was not a party to that litigation, and if the City were to attempt to become <br />involved, they would incur costs that wouldn't normally be incurred through the <br />Citation process, with the Prosecuting Attorney undertaking those expenses <br />through their retainer with the City. Mr. Anderson advised that staffs recom- <br />mendation was the most cost-effective and most assured resolution of the City <br />Code violations. Mr. Anderson asked if a Wrongful Death Trustee had been ap- <br />pointed. <br />Mr. Young responded affirmatively, that the decedent's sister was the Trustee, but <br />that she was still traumatized. Mr. Young advised that if the City had an impound <br />lot, he would pay to have the vehicle towed where it would be relatively safe, and <br />the City would be helping a very distraught family. <br />Mayor Klausing stated that the evidence was currently being stored on the boule- <br />vard adjacent to the Target store; and questioned where the City could store it that <br />would be any less secure. <br />City Attorney Anderson advised the City Council against taking responsibility for <br />Mr. Young's evidence by impounding it, without his research of further potential <br />
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