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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/6/2009 2:07:34 PM
Creation date
7/6/2009 2:07:30 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 15, 2009 <br />Page 7 <br />Additional discussion included rationale for designation of PIP funds in the <br />amount of $50,000 for boulevard tree removal, with Commissioners opining that <br />that was completely out of the realm of parks, and had formerly come from Public <br />Works funds; and removed the Department's ability to address purchase and/or <br />replacement of play equipment, with a limited lifespan of approximately 13 years. <br />Commissioners noted the potential impacts to funds in eliminating the current <br />problems with the Emerald Ash Borer. Commissioners noted that citizens were <br />already voicing their concern with reduction or elimination of certain services that <br />the community had become accustomed to. Commissioners addressed the possi- <br />bility of funding from the state and or federal government for this most recent tree <br />epidemic, similar to the Dutch Elm issues and funding appropriations. <br />Mayor Klausing noted that City staff is proactive in seeking funding from various <br />sources. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that, when Ash trees were planted, this was not a fore- <br />seen problem; and expressed hope that other government agencies would eventu- <br />ally provide some assistance. However, Councilmember Roe opined that the City <br />may need to look at creative funding, even with that assistance, to provide match- <br />ing funds. Councilmember Roe further opined that the Diseased and Hazardous <br />Tree Program was probably put in the Parks and Recreation realm, since the For- <br />ester was currently employed in that department. <br />Commissioners noted that the Parks and Recreation Commission also served as <br />the City's Tree Board; the possibility of homeowners covering costs for boulevard <br />tree replacement as currently done in some municipalities; and citizens attending <br />more local functions and utilizing their parks more during these difficult financial <br />times rather than out-of--town vacations. <br />Mayor Klausing encouraged citizens to contact the City Council with their com- <br />ments, as well as the Commission. <br />Further discussion included the Parks Master Plan process and increased opportu- <br />nities for communication between the Commission and City Council; and whether <br />additional joint meetings would be profitable as certain scenarios arise. <br />Mayor Klausing encouraged more communications, not more meetings; noted that <br />the City Council received agendas and meeting minutes of all Advisory Commis- <br />sion meetings; and suggested additional formal and/or informal communication <br />(i.e., a-mail or phone) during the Master Plan process. Mayor Klausing noted the <br />success of the recent Comprehensive Plan Update process and the regular meet- <br />ings of the Steering Committee, and suggested that may be a good process for the <br />Parks and Recreation Commission to follow, allowing the process to be further <br />institutionalized and open for public comment and observation. <br />
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