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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 29, 2009 <br />Page 11 <br />commitment from the City Council for any recommended policies for enforce- <br />ment (i.e., illegal discharge into the City's sanitary and/or storrnwater systems); <br />and the PWET's interest in working on a comprehensive ordinance and recom- <br />mendation for consideration by the City Council for staff management of that <br />function. Chair DeBenedet and Commissioners opined that the least expensive <br />way, when funds were limited, to clean stormwater was to keep construction run- <br />off from entering the system, and to increase street sweeping. The PWET sup- <br />ported the City's purchase of a vacuum street sweeper to reduce phosphorus load- <br />ing of waterways; and noted recent joint purchase of that equipment by the Cities <br />of Falcon Heights and Little Canada, and whether the City could partner with <br />those communities. Commissioners suggested the PWET's further study of how <br />erosion control permits were enforced; and the ability to compost seeds and leaves <br />if swept up before they became dredge material; and preference for a stormwater <br />quality control ordinance rather than erosion control ordinance. <br />Commissioners noted their frustration that there remained a number of people in <br />Roseville who continued to illegally dump paint and/or motor oil in the storm- <br />sewers, and the need to increase education efforts to alert them to the impacts of <br />this practice. <br />Chair DeBenedet sought City Council input on whether the PWET was following <br />the charge of the City Council; and how to proceed in the future. <br />Mayor Klausing recognized his original opposition to the creation of the PWET, <br />since he failed to see a clear mission for their creation; however, he noted that the <br />PWET had developed into a good niche for those items not falling within land use <br />issues; and he found the work and recommendation of the group exciting in the <br />decision-making process. Mayor Klausing noted the personal and professional <br />expertise brought to the PWET by individual Commissioners as they assisted the <br />staff and the City in researching various issues. <br />Councilmember Roe noted his review of the PWET discussion on the asphalt <br />plant proposal, and how comprehensive and fascinating he had found their ques- <br />tions and understanding of the issue before them. Councilmember Roe noted the <br />PWET's frustration in determining how they fit into some land use discussions; <br />and encouraged the group to look at the upcoming zoning code update process <br />over the next year to determine whether they had any role in uses in specific ar- <br />eas, and looked forward to receiving their comments related to that update. <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed support for the development of a path- <br />way/sidewalk plan and network to achieve safety for pedestrians and/or bikers <br />throughout the community, as well as when crossing busy intersections. Coun- <br />cilmember Ihlan opined that she would like the PWET to routinely review all land <br />use issues having elements related to their review, rather than issues coming to the <br />City Council first, and then being referred to the PWET, noting that some com- <br />