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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/17/2009 1:47:46 PM
Creation date
7/17/2009 1:47:43 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 29, 2009 <br />Page 12 <br />munities had a stormwater review process before land use approvals, and sug- <br />gested that become routine practice rather than the exception. Councilmember Ih- <br />lan also spoke in support of a stormwater quality ordinance that would be broad- <br />based and look at all sources and related issues. <br />Councilmember Johnson concurred with Councilmember Ihlan's suggestion to <br />make the PWET part of land use reviews, allowing for broader involvement of <br />citizens in the land use process, and allowing~the PWET as one more opportunity <br />for them to be made aware of potential projects. Councilmember Johnson en- <br />couraged the PWET to attend the one or more of the town hall meetings to engage <br />citizens in their related budgeting concerns as outlined in their report. Council- <br />member Johnson expressed his personal appreciation for the work of the PWET <br />and skill set they each brought to the commission. <br />Commissioners recognized the receptiveness of and good information provided <br />by staff in assisting the PWET in their work; recognizing the limited time re- <br />sources based on other workload responsibilities. <br />Mayor Klausing thanked Commissioners for their attendance, and recognized <br />staff liaisons to the various advisory commissions, all collectively helping the <br />City Council in their decision-making for the community. <br />b. Rental Registration Update Presentation <br />Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon provided a review of the <br />first year of the City's newly-implemented rental registration program; and some <br />interesting data and statistic analysis during that year. Mr. Trudgeon noted the <br />challenges for staff in having no established database when initiating the program <br />and limited staff resources available for follow-up on those rental units remaining <br />unregistered. Mr. Trudgeon provided an updated map showing locations of regis- <br />tered rentals, and differentiations in SingleFamily, Condominium, Duplex, Town- <br />home, and Triplex rental units. Mr. Trudgeon noted that staff would be in a much <br />better position to provide more detailed demographics after the second year of the <br />program, based on the City's IT staff expertise and GPS information gathering. <br />Mr. Trudgeon addressed some statistics that were surprising, given preconceived <br />perceptions going into the program; as well as complaints for owner-occupied <br />versus rental properties); and noted the pro-active nature in having current contact <br />information on registered rentals for code enforcement purposes. <br />Discussion included whether staff could break down code violations based on <br />rental status to clarify perceptions versus realities; multiple violations versus sin- <br />gular violations per property; availability of quantified data, such as compliance <br />rates for rentals versus owner-occupied units; recognizing those landlords and <br />property owners who are in compliance and maintaining their rental properties; <br />clarifying rental properties based on non-homesteaded properties using Ramsey <br />
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