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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 29, 2009 <br />Page 14 <br />install a noise wall on the south side based on MnDOT cost-effectiveness criteria; <br />proposed changes in ramp locations and ground lines that would further serve to <br />reduce some noise levels; and recommendations, based on that analysis, of a 20 <br />foot noise wall along the north side of Highway 36, ultimately affecting 41 resi- <br />dents along that side, with terrain impacts providing additional shielding affects. <br />The proposed location of the wall would be from Western Avenue to in front of <br />Calibre Ridge townhomes, with flexibility provided for the location of the wall <br />based on topography and noise reduction modeling for maximum dBA reductions. <br />Sample construction types and views were presented. <br />Presenters noted that local communities impacted were given an opportunity to <br />approve or deny proposed noise wall construction; and advised of their availabil- <br />ity to respond to questions and/or concerns of the public and City Council. <br />Discussion among Councilmembers and presenters included the need to remove <br />some vegetation and mature trees for construction of the noise wall, with further <br />consideration for retaining as many as possible; costs for noise wall construction <br />built into the project, with no cost to the city; acoustical effectiveness versus the <br />aesthetics of a 20 foot wall; distance variations of first row properties depending <br />on topography and most effective location of the wall; and benefits to those prop- <br />erties in noise level reductions. <br />Further discussion included if property owners needed to be individually surveyed <br />as a next step in the process if there was not a clear indication from tonight's Pub- <br />lic Hearing; and measurement of the 20 feet in relation to the level of the highway <br />depending on topography. <br />Mayor Klausing opened the Public Hearing at 8:04 p.m. to receive public com- <br />ment on the proposed construction of a noise wall along Highway 36 as a part of <br />the Rice Street Interchange Project. <br />Public Comment <br />For the. record, City Manager Malinen noted receipt of mailed, telephone, and/or <br />e-mailed comment for tonight's meeting, with those in favor being 5 in number <br />and those against being 2 in number. <br />Mike Bowden, south side of Highway 36, 311 County Road B <br />Mr. Bowden asked if there would be an increase in noise on the south side of the <br />highway if the noise wall was built on the north side. <br />Mr. Tomlinson responded that MnDOT had performed field studies based on that <br />concern, and responded that there was no noticeable increase to the opposite side <br />with construction of the noise wall; and that the frequency or type of noise could <br />change, but wouldn't increase perceptively. <br />