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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/17/2009 1:47:46 PM
Creation date
7/17/2009 1:47:43 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 29, 2009 <br />Page 15 <br />Jeff Pedro, 2252 Marion Street (behind Calibre Ridge) <br />Mr. Pedro expressed concern in losing trees or vegetation between the wall and <br />their location; however, opined that the trees would continue to grow to block out <br />the wall, and overall was supportive of the noise wall, and proposed location. <br />Dean Stubbe, 345 Capital View <br />Mr. Stubbe expressed his wholehearted support of the wall; and opined that it <br />would help with noise and air pollution as well. <br />Ray McDonald, 2241 Marion Street <br />Mr. McDonald advised that the normal humdrum tire noise were not a problem, <br />but expressed annoyance with big trucks and massive tire noise, including their <br />jake breaking as they slowed for the Rice Street interchange. Mr. McDonald <br />opined that when the road was first resurfaced, there was little tire noise; how- <br />ever, as the roadway became worn, the tire noise had increased, particularly dur- <br />ing the nights, when it seemed excessive. Mr. McDonald was generally suppor- <br />tive of the wall; but questioned if graffiti would become a problem, even though <br />the wall would be a benefit to the neighborhood. <br />Mr. Gess advised that MnDOT would be responsible for maintenance of the wall, <br />and applied a graffiti prevention coating on the wall that made graffiti removal, if <br />necessary, and easier process. <br />Bee Hanlon, 333 Capital View Ms. Hanlon spoke in support of the wall; but ques- <br />tioned how far south of the freeway fence, on the western edge, the wall would be <br />located, based on the slope of the land in that area. <br />Mr. Benson responded that distance between the wall and fence would depend on <br />the specific location; and clarified that in some areas the fence would be removed, <br />depending on rights-of--way locations, topography. <br />Mr. Gess advised that MnDOT prefers locating the noise wall as close to the <br />right-of--way line as possible, while allowing for a ten foot buffer, with that prop- <br />erty available to the property owner for additional use; with maintenance of that <br />property usually up to the property owner, given the low priority given beyond <br />annual maintenance by MnDOT due to budget and staff constraints. <br />Karen Regal, 271 Capital View <br />Ms. Regal was basically supportive of the wall for noise reduction, with some <br />ambivalence based on aesthetics and no longer having a view; and sought clarifi- <br />cation as to whether the berm hill would be leveled, noting that sound currently <br />came through in several areas surrounding the berm. <br />
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