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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 29, 2009 <br />Page 18 <br />Nays: None. <br />11. b. Public Hearing for a Variance to the Noise Ordinance during Construction <br />of a Parking Ramp at 2750 Cleveland Avenue <br />Permit Coordinator Don Munson briefly revised the request for a variance to the <br />City's noise ordinance to facilitate concrete pour during July and August at the <br />parking ramp project at 2750 Cleveland Avenue. Mr. Munson advised Council- <br />members that staff had fielded no complaints to-date related to construction site <br />activities, and that staff had received no written comment from mailed notice pro- <br />vided within 500' of the site. Mr. Munson noted that a representative of the Gen- <br />eral Contractor, Adolfson & Peterson, was present at tonight's meeting. <br />Mayor Klausing opened and closed the Public Hearing at 8:38 p.m. for a Variance <br />to the Noise Ordinance during Construction of a Parking Ramp at 2750 Cleveland <br />Avenue, with no one appearing for or against. <br />12. b. Approve a Variance to the Noise Ordinance during Construction of Parking <br />Ramp at 2750 Cleveland Avenue <br />Councilmember Ihlan sought clarification that the variance was exclusive to the <br />months of July and August. <br />Mr. Munson confirmed that the pouring was proposed only during those months, <br />with normal construction activities resuming at 7:00 a.m. following that time- <br />frame. <br />Johnson moved, Klausing seconded, approval of a variance request to allow con- <br />struction activities beginning at 6:00 a.m. at 2750 Cleveland Avenue on weekdays <br />during the months of July and August (with no start-up noises occurring before <br />6:00 a.m.). <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Johnson; Ihlan; Roe; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />d. Approve a City Abatement for Unresolved Violation of City Code at 2178 <br />Cohansey Boulevard <br />Permit Coordinator Munson reviewed the request for abatement as detailed in the <br />staff report dated June 29, 2009; providing a visual update on the property as of <br />today of this single-family rental property and lack of resolution by the property <br />owners, currently residing in Maplewood. Mr. Munson noted that the complaint <br />was generated by neighbors, and that there had been no previous response from or <br />correction of violations to-date by the owners. Mr. Munson advised that, upon re- <br />ceipt of the notice to the property owner of tonight's proposed action, the owner <br />had contacted staff requesting a delay until July 5, 2009 to correct the violations. <br />Mr. Munson noted that, while incomplete, the property owner had initiated com- <br />pliance of violations. <br />