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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 29, 2009 <br />Page 19 <br />Roe moved, Klausing seconded, directing staff to abate the remaining public nui- <br />sance violation(s) at 2178 Cohansey Boulevard, if not abated by the owner by <br />July 5, 2009, by hiring a general contractor to remove the junk/debris, schedule <br />the impounding of vehicles, and repair/repair the fence, as detailed in the Request <br />for Council Action dated June 29, 2009, at an estimated cost of approximately <br />$2,000; and further directing that the property owner be billed for all actual and <br />administrative costs; and if those charges remain unpaid, staff is to recover costs <br />as specified in Minnesota Statute, Section 407.07B; with costs to be reported to <br />the City Council following the abatement. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Johnson; Ihlan; Roe; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />c. Approve an Agreement with the Roseville Central Park Foundation for a <br />Restroom Facility at the Muriel Sahlin Arboretum <br />Parks and Recreation Director Lonnie Brokke provided a review of the develop- <br />ment history of Central Park; Master Planning for the Muriel Sahlin Arboretum in <br />Roseville's Central Park; Arboretum Committee involvement; and key partner- <br />ship of the Central Park Foundation in fostering development funds. Mr. Brokke <br />reviewed implementation and phased progression in that development, with the <br />next logical progression being a Phase I of the restroom facility, with the esti- <br />mated cost of $200,000, with funding donated by the Foundation Board. <br />Mr. Brokke reviewed the agreement drafted by the City Attorney with staff be- <br />tween the City and Central Park Foundation for construction activities to be ad- <br />ministered by the Foundation, and the City ultimately accepting maintenance and <br />operation responsibilities upon completion. Mr. Brokke advised that additional <br />revenue should be generated through increased rentals, and Phase II would consist <br />of a meeting hall, kitchenette and storage area. Mr. Brokke displayed artist rendi- <br />tions of the exterior elevations and floor plan of the proposed facility; and specif- <br />ics of the agreement between the parties. Mr. Brokke noted that the City would <br />approve the construction contract, waive building permit fees, and review contrac- <br />tor pay requests prior to payment by the Foundation to ensure they were within <br />city accounting standards, and that the City would extend sanitary sewer and wa- <br />ter to serve the facility, provide fill dirt for utility trenches, and replace topsoil and <br />rough grade the trench excavation areas. <br />Mr. Brokke anticipated completion of the project by the end of October; and rec- <br />ommended approval of the agreement. <br />On behalf of the City Council, residents, and staff, Mayor Klausing expressed ap- <br />preciation to the Foundation for stepping forward with this project, given the <br />