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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 29, 2009 <br />Page 9 <br />Discussion included types of hitch assembly used for this type of trailer and tow- <br />ing vehicles; single and double axle trailer sales intended; and standard trailer <br />width for towing purposes. <br />There was no public comment related to this item. <br />Johnson moved, Ihlan seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 10721 entitled, "A <br />Resolution Approving Trailer Sales as a Conditional Use in Accordance with <br />Roseville City Code, Sections 1007.015 and 1014.01 for Twin City Truck Sales & <br />Service Ltd. and Cleanco Truck Wash (PF09-015);" amended to revise language <br />of Condition C to read: <br />"Trailers sold shall be limited to those that meet the definition in Minnesota Stat- <br />ute 169.011, Subd. 86; and not exceeding 14 feet in overall [box] length and 8 <br />feet in overall width." <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Johnson; Ihlan; Roe; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />9. General Ordinances for Adoption <br />10. Presentations <br />a. Joint Meeting with the Public Works, Environment and Transportation <br />(PWET) Commission <br />Chair Jim DeBenedet and Commissioners Dwayne Stenlund; Jan Vanderwall; and <br />Steve Gjerdingen were present representing the PWET. <br />Chair DeBenedet -reviewed the past year's activities of the PWET; and high- <br />lighted future activities and concerns of the PWET as detailed on the report dated <br />June 29, 20009. <br />On a related note, Mayor Klausing advised the PWET and public that the City had <br />received word from the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) that the Minnesota <br />Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) had been designated as the Responsible Gov- <br />ernment Unit (RGU) for further environmental for the proposed asphalt plant; and <br />thanked the PWET for their review of the proposal. <br />Mayor Klausing thanked the PWET for their innovative recommendations for the <br />Twin Lakes Storm Water Plan, expressing his favorable impressions of their <br />study. Mayor Klausing opined that this was evidence of the importance of citizen <br />input on advisory commissions to the City Council. <br />Chair DeBenedet noted staff's receptiveness to innovative planning (i.e., Twin <br />Lakes Storm Water Plan), making implementation details possible. <br />