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CITY 0� ROSEVILLE <br />2007 DRINKING �114TER REPORT <br />The Ciry af Roseville takes pride ln providing yau with high quality water and p7��� gUBSTANCES IN OUR WATER <br />excellent service. We are pleased ta anntiunce that tMe drfnkfng weter pravided to our Some con[amEnanFS do noi have Maximum ContaminanY Levels esta4Eished for <br />customers meets or exceeds all state and federal requirements. The results af tesling �hem. These "urtregulated contaminanis" are assessed using state <br />done for the period from January 1, 2007 to Oecember 3i, 2007, are listed Gelow. standards known as heahh risk Ifmi[5 io detertnine it [hey pose a threat to human <br />The purpose oi this report is to advance your understanding ot drinking water and health. If unacceptahle levels oi an unregulated comaminant are toand, the respnnse <br />heighten awareness ot the need ro protect precious water resourres, is the same as �ct an MCL has been exceeded; the water system musF iniorm its cus- <br />tomers and take other corrective adions. fn the preceding ta61e are the unregulated <br />SOURCE OF WATER contaminants thst were detected: <br />The C�Ery oF Roseville purchases drinking wa[er trom SY. Paul Beginnal Water <br />Services ISPRWSj. SPAWS obtains its waterirom wells in the PrafrEe ou Chien- <br />Jorden aquifer and surFace wate� fram [he Chain oS Lakes and the Mississippi River. <br />For a copy of the entire source water assessment cal! 651-201--0700 �and press 51 <br />during normal 6usinass hours or view it online a[ <br />ehlwa�erlswplswa. <br />This water is ptped to [he SPRWS Water Treatrnen[ Plant in Maplewood where it is <br />[realed and tested to meet or exceed ali Sta[e and Federal drinking water standards. <br />WATER QUALITY MUNITDRING <br />SPRWS tests our drinking water daily befare'R is delnrered. The Ciry af Foseville <br />conducts a minimum of 40 addf[�onal cests manthly on water samples. The Minnesma <br />Departmertt af Health alsa perfarms additional Fests annually. <br />Roseville"s water utiliry personnel perform anqual sys[em maintenance that helps <br />ensure continued water quality, reliahiliry, and iniegriry of she distri6ution sysFem. <br />RESULTS {iF MUNlTt1RING <br />The ta4les 6elow list subs�ances that were detected in irace amounts last year. <br />Levels detected were well 6elow mazimums allowed in pota6le drinking water. <br />Kay to ahhreviaEions <br />MCLG Max€mum Contaminsnt Level Goa€: The fevel of a cantaminant in drinking <br />waYer 6elow whiah [here ls na known ar expected risk to health. MCI.Gs allow fo� <br />a margin of saiery, <br />MCL Mazimum Coafaminam Level: The highes[ level o! a conieminani that is allowed <br />in drinKrng water. MCLs are se[ as close to the MGLGs as feasible using the best <br />availahle trea[ment technalogy. <br />MR�L Maximum Residuai �isinfectaoY Level. <br />MR�LG Meximum Residual0isinFectantLeveE Goal. <br />AL Action LeveL The concentration of a contaminaot whfch, ff exceeded, <br />lriggers Sreatment or other requiremen[ which a wafer system muSF fallow. <br />90t� Percentile LavaE This is the value o6lained after dlsregarding 10 percent of the <br />samples taken tha[ had the highe54 levels. fFor example, in a sitaation ia which 10 <br />samples were taken, the 9�th percentile level is determined 6y disregarding ihe <br />highesi resul[, wh}ch represents tU percent of the samples.� Note: In situaiions in <br />which only 5 samples are taken, the average af the two wi[h the higites[ levels is <br />taken ta determine the 90ti� percentile level. <br />pCill PicoCuries per fiter la measure of radioacclvityl. <br />ppb Parts per bit€ion, which can also be expressed as micrugrams per liter �ugJil� <br />ppm Pans per million, which can also he expressed as milligrams per liter I�gli1� <br />TT Trea[ment Technique: A required process intended to reduce the level 01 a <br />contaminant in drinking weter. <br />HTU Nephelometric Turbidiry Uni[, used to measure clavity in drinking water, <br />N/A NoF applica6le idoes not applyj. <br />Lerel Fouad <br />Lo�aminanlS�¢�} MCEG MCL anye�A� hvg.ReeuN' Trpiul5oumofComeminem <br />Ruur�e(FAmj E 0 E,1-33 7.73 SleteolMin,�esoSerequ'vesalVma�titipel <br />wa�ar:rnam: m aee n�,��a. m ene d�mwnq <br />we�er �o ymr..o�a aranq �ee�h; Eresinn ot <br />rta[w81 d9pai4s;LischerBe Imm fertz�ier <br />a:,a ei�,�;��r ia�maas <br />He€¢acedcRUds o so 56-77,6 is,ia aY�F:oa�n�eeM��qwaterauErtecrion. <br />INA1l5E IDPhI <br />i€HM17atal 0 BE1 F29-34.7 2i4 By-C��uttottlrmlingwaserds'uJec�iart <br />ShhOkMBNB11B5I IF�b <br />m�,..a���.,,.,�„�«�<,�e��,.....�.a o�N��.�,««,.w�. <br />,.gk:.:;�;".� . F e �h,T�.o,�,��.., <br />[amamin.m�nniel M[LG A€n averege j�as������i Typiul5ou�cealCom�aiaen� <br />Tur6'�,kyIHTUE N�1 1"f .6�6 .06� Sod�unott <br />ee�Me'moink. h is ��rtaea se��me e�� �.yd�e�e ane�weness a ma �etien�Y�sm. me pereem9�+� uvtoiO.Me <br />[�R�is����ei��aew�ee�ertme.,rt.�.�eaeqcrmmn�[i0:nnnyreP���ae�eywu3.[�nav.�--0e wttEiiA! <br />Cor.teminantfurtRSl MRiiLG IHPOI ° •^ 7ypicel5ourceofCcm.min.m <br />ChlariaelcP�l 4 4 22-t.8 278 Wa[eredd4ive�cedtoconuc€nisro6as. <br />m,v„,..naw..�ue�nn..,.n —�.,�..,a��,ama�::�P. <br />CoeinminaMl��RSl lMCLG AE 9a%larel Isen TypiealSauRee![am�minem <br />ver A! <br />�FSe��PF+�! Np 13 O.RS Oautot'0 Ccnosionofhuusahol�pa.r.SinBSys[ems; <br />�p7Jp��} Emsicn cF natural deROSrts, <br />Lead€pPm� NA 15 4 lou[n}9p Cattnsionefhouseh07dplll�k�ngSybfOma: <br />frasinn M nstural deposns, <br />xv�a�n�+d?e�,ai�nis.a�.�..,,u..,�a.n. �an�.a..ea.�.'rrvcer.xw�.�.=.�er-�e�ene�.< <br />e..�i r�wa <br />Comaminani{oninl Itangaffi07 ArerageResuh 7ypical5ou ao�[am n.m <br />$odrvmippm) N!A ]2 @osiartotnswa3dgpoyi�5. <br />SI�CBIB (FPm� NfA mR f�ovan of nenrzs3 dgpog¢S. <br />e.ra�aa nanq. e.��n <br />N/a szsc.- s�ppm <br />COMPLIA�ICE WITH NATIONAL PRIMARY DRIfV�(iNG <br />WATER REGULATIUNS <br />The sources oi drinking wa[er �6ath tap water and hattled water� include rivers, <br />lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, spnngs, and wells. As water travels over the <br />suriace ot [he land ar [hrough�[he graund, itdissotves namrally-otcu�ring minerals <br />and, in some cases, radiaacYive material, and can pick up su6sianses resulting tram <br />the presence of animals ar from human activiry. <br />Contaminants that may be present in source water include: <br />• MicroSia! carttaminanls such 25 viruses and bacteria, which may come irom <br />sewage treaiment plants, septic SysEemS, eg�icultural livestoc3c operauans, and <br />wildl'rfe. <br />• lnorgank canEamrnanls such as safts and metals, which can he naturally- <br />occurring or resuii from urhan stormwaser runaff, industrial ar domestic <br />wastewaier discharges, ail and gas productian, mining, or farming. <br />• Pesticedes and herbicides, wh'rch may come from a var€ery oS sources such <br />es agriculture, ur6an sFOrmwater runoH, and residenFial uses. <br />• Organic chemrca! cnntaminanls, induding synihetic and vala5ile organic chemicals, <br />which are 6y-producis of indusirial processes and petroEeum producuon, and cen <br />slso come trom gas stations, urhan stormwaier runo(€, and septic sysrems. <br />• Radioaeteve con[amMants, which can he naturally-occurring ur 6e ths <br />resuh oi a�E and gas produc[ion snd mining activities. <br />[n arder Ia en5ure that [ap water is saie io drink, the U. S. Environmental Protection <br />Agency {EPpy prescribes regulations which limit the amount oi certain contamina�ts <br />in water pravided by puhlic waYer systems. Foad and �rug Administration regulations <br />establish limiis for contaminaats in hottled water which must provide the same <br />prateciian tar pu6lic hea�th. <br />�rinking we[er, induding hottEed water, may reasonably he expected to contafn <br />a[ {east small amounts ot some con[aminants. The presence of contaminants does <br />na[ necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. Move information a6oat <br />cansaminants and potential heahh eHecFS can be ohtafned by calling the <br />EnvironmeMai Prmecti�n Agency's Sefe �rinking Water Hotline at 1-800-42$-4791. <br />SPECIAL HEALiH INFURMATION <br />Some penpls ma y 6e more vulnerable [o eontaminants irr drinking watsr tharr the <br />genera! papulariorr. lmm�na-compromised persons such as persons wi[h cancer <br />uRdergoing chemotherapy, persans who have undergone organ transpfarrts, peaple <br />with H!V/A1D5 or otherimmune sys[em dlsarda�s, some alderty, and infaRts can �e <br />pariicularly at risk (ram rniections. These Aeople should seek advice aLout drrnking <br />water fram therr heafnc �ere praviders. EPri/CDC guidelines an apprapnate means ta <br />lsssen the risk of iRfection by Cryptasporidiom are available from the Safe D�enking <br />lNater Hotline ar hBaD-92b-479i. <br />WHA7 ELSE CAN BE FOUND IN UUR �RINKfNG WATER? <br />fn recent months, media autleis have addressed the presence of pharmaceutical <br />and other househoid su65tance5 in aur [i�inking water. <br />Note lha[ we meet ali EPA sFandards tor sate drinking water. Hawever, ihe EPA <br />does not require [esting far pharmaceuYicals or hausehnld Items such as cafteine <br />over the cnunter medicaFions, insect repefients, and cotinine {derived from nicotine, <br />io-und in cigarene5l. <br />When we drink coffee, smoke a cigarette, take medication, appry IoFion, fnseci <br />repellent, and other products, our bndfes metaholize these substanres-6ut not <br />comp€etely. These suhstances are excreted ar rinsed of! our Godies and end up in [he <br />sewer system and are then Freased at a westewater iac'rlity. Orink€ng water treatment <br />plants remo-ve most, 4ut nut all of these suhstances. <br />A study condacted in 2U�0-2002 sested ior the presence ot arganic wastewater <br />compounds at 65 sites thraughout the state, including the water entering and leaving <br />the SPRWS ireatment plant. �etected concentretiorts of these compounds averaged <br />less �han 3 parts per 6illion. <br />Another smdy sugges�s the average persan wuuld need to drfnk 6etween hundreds <br />to thousands o18-ounce glasses o( water every day aver a life[ime to intrease the <br />risk [or cancer from [hese s�45tancES. <br />