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267 <br />268 <br />269 <br />27C3 <br />2!1 <br />remain even if the developer chose to reduce number units and make them bigger wiihin <br />the same footprint. <br />Chair Bakeman expressed concern with the size of the building; and sugges#ed that with <br />a separate limitation on #he building size or mass, it may help neighbors' concerns and <br />keep the b�aifding to a reasonable size. <br />272 Commissianer Gottfried opined that he was not as concerned about traffic capacity as <br />2�3 with the scale of the building: its size, mass and height cr�ating the overalE scale. <br />2�4 Cammissioner Gottfried o�ined tF�af the proPosed buiiding se�med overkill in pra�iding <br />275 cantinuity af the neighborhood. <br />27s Mr. Paschke addressed density versus mass issues; perceptions of a truss roof system <br />277 rather than a flat roof system; locafion of two (2) majar thoraughfares on either side of the <br />27H property; previous consideration of a townhome project [n �995, and consideration of <br />279 Medium Density of the parce.l at fhai time; and transitions into other single-family uses. <br />2�3t� Mr. paschke indicated that, if building scale was stfll an issue, there were exterior fa�ade <br />2�1 designs tha.t could visually recivae the perceived building scale and other available <br />282 mitigation measures. <br />283 <br />284 <br />285 <br />28fi <br />287 <br />28g <br />289 <br />29� <br />291 <br />2�J2 <br />Z�J3 <br />294 <br />�95 <br />29G <br />197 <br />29f3 <br />2�39 <br />3(�a <br />3�t <br />3�i2 <br />Ghair Bakeman and Commissianer Wozniak opined that, if the building didn"t �ave the <br />norih-south piece or waEl, it may fit better, rather than the footprint filling the entire parceE, <br />and pro�iding for more green space. <br />Commissioner Best opined that the private market and economy would dictate the <br />density ta some ir�easure; and noted the ongoing work of staff and the applicant on <br />reducing the footprint and increasing the green space. <br />Cammissioner poherty suggested conditions #hat would pro�ide an average, no#-to- <br />exceed square footage per unif; that wauld ultimatefy reduce the number of units and the <br />building footprint. <br />Commi�sioner Baerigter suggested that, rather than Commissioners attempting to <br />redesign the project, ihat the �ote be called, leaving the decision up #o Mr. Mueller and <br />his architects. <br />Gommissioner Gottfried concurred; opining that this seerr�ed to be good logic, and that <br />none af the Gommissioners were engineers, nor did they hav� a vested interest in this <br />proper�y. <br />Ayes: 1 (Boerigter} <br />Nays: 6(Best; Wazniak; Martinson; Gottfried� Doherty; Bakemanj <br />Motion failed. <br />Chair Bakeman nated that the case was tentatively scheduled fo be heard by tF�e Ci#y <br />Cauncil at their March 23, 2009 mesting. <br />