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214 De.nsity; and fuiiher opined tha.t it would be appropriate and that he would support tF�at <br />2i 5 designatian. <br />216 Commissioner Martinson concurred with Commissioner Best to a certain extent, opining <br />217 that if Wigh Density was applicable to Midland Gro�e, it migh# also be reasonable on this <br />2�8 site; and no#ed that the de�eloper had made scale re�isions that were an overall <br />2�9 improvement from the ariginal proposal. C�mmissioner Martinson observed thai <br />22� realisticalfy, the City of Rose�ille experienced traffic problems throughout the City, in <br />221 addition to the region. Commissi�ner Martinson express�d that she had remaining <br />222 reserva#ior�s about this proposed project and land use designatio�; and opined that she <br />223 would be mare inclined to support a Medium lJse designatian. <br />224 Corrtmissioner Boerigter opined #hat, given the densi:ty of the adjacent mulii-family <br />225 properties, this site seemed appr�priate for High Density designatian; and in aomparisan <br />226 ta other part of the City transitioning from Low to High Density, this was not an <br />22� uncommon situation. Commissioner Boerigter further opined that, in looking at the overall <br />22B pic#ure, the praperty wouldn't probably develop into single-family homes; but seemed <br />229 more applicable for High Density designation. Commissioner 8oerigter recagnized public <br />23� camments and concerns; however, was stiil of the opinion that this parcel serves as a <br />231 transitian for the neighborhood and properties across the street, to be consistent, he was <br />232 still concerned that ihis project remained of too large a sca]e to this site. <br />233 Chair Bakeman apined that High De�sity designation was apprapriate, due to the <br />234 proximi�y of Midland Grove at close to 19 unitslacre; and the ability to limit the maximum. <br />235 units per acre with the PUD; and that 12 units per acre was not dense enough with <br />z36 Midland Grave's praximity directly adjacent. Chair Bakeman further apined that with the <br />23� standard street width of 32', she was not concerned about tra�ic volume. Chair Bakeman <br />238 opined that she was inclined ta support Migh Density designation, and capping that <br />23� density through PEJD controls. <br />24o Commissioners 8est and Martinson cancurred. <br />2�1 Coinmissioner Martinson opined that it made logical sense to change the zoning, with <br />2�2 Midland Grove immediately adjacent; however, she expressed wariness as to whether <br />243 the Pl1D was a sound way to limii density. <br />244 Ayes: 4(Boerigter; Best; Martinson; Bakeman) <br />245 N.ays: 3(Doherty; Wozniak; Gottfried) <br />246 Motion carried. <br />247 MOTION (9.2) <br />2aa Member Bakeman mo�red; sec�nded by Member 6est to RECOMEMND APRPOVAL <br />249 of �.he REZONING af 2025 County Road B from Singie Family Residen.tial {R-1) to <br />25o Planned Unit De�elopment (PUD), with an underlying zoning of General Residence <br />251 Distric.t (R-3).. <br />252 Ay�S: 7 <br />253 Nays: 0 <br />25a Motion carri:ed. <br />255 MOTION (9.3) <br />256 Member Bakerrian ma�ed, seconded 6y Member Gottfried to RECOMMEND <br />257 APPROVAL of the G�N�RAL CONCEPT PLANNED UNI7 �EVELOPNfENT, as <br />2a� prepared for t�e March 4, 2009 Planning Commissian meeting; subjeet to the <br />2�9 conditions of Section 9 of the staff report dat�d March 4, 2009; with final appro�a! <br />26o by the City Couneil considered af#er all conditions ar�d required documenis and <br />261 permits have been su6mitted for final approrral; w�th those final approvals <br />2�2 consic�ered as a separate applicatian process. <br />z�3 Commissioner Boerigter questioned the actual concern in making this rezoning change; <br />z�4 noting that it shoufdn't be traffic; the building footprint had been reduced; and nated that <br />2�5 the current proposal was close to setback requirements and had limifed deviations from <br />2�� square fooiage requirements. Commissioner Boerigter noied that the building mass coultf <br />