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53 Metropolitan Commissio� for review; and based on the adjacent Ferriswood and Midland <br />5a Gro�e PIJD Projecis. <br />55 Chair Bakeman, at 9:45 p.m., opened the meeting for public comment; respectfully <br />5� requesting that speakers limit their comments to the specific issue before the <br />�7 Commissian. <br />�S Public Comment <br />59 As part of the wr,tten record, Mr. Paschke provided copies of additional e-mails <br />6o receivcd after distri,bution of #he Agenda Packef materials, attached hereto and <br />61 made a part thereof. <br />62 Peter Coyle, lancf use attarney from Larkin, F�offman, et al, 7800 Xerxes, <br />63 Bloomington, MN <br />E;4 Mr. Coyle, speaking for a large group of residents at Ferriswood and Midiand Gro�e, in <br />�� addition to Mr. Ste�e Enzler, advised that, while the group was supportive of a relati�ely <br />E�6 dense use of this property, they were not supportive of this high of a density guiding its <br />67 tEe�elopment. Mr.. Coyle opined that the proposed use was no# an appropriate transition <br />6� or appropriafe use of resid�ntial streefs; and that the propased use was too much for the <br />�s available land and site. Mr. Coyle presented, for #he record, a new petition from the group <br />70 of property owners he represents: <br />f � NEW PETITION <br />7� "Because of the safety issues due to traffic congestion, diminished aesthetics, <br />73 remo�al of trees and a possible decrease in our prope�y �aiue, the foliowing <br />74 residents o the Midland Grove Condo Associatior� are signing this petifion to <br />75 oppose any change of zoning orcfinances ta accommodat� the b�ilding of any new <br />76 multiple housing proposal at 2025 County Road B, Rose�ille, MN, by Art <br />77 Mueller;" attaehed herefo and made a parf fhereaf. <br />7� Mr, Coyl� expounded on rationale for the peiition including faiiure to consider this parcel <br />79 in the recently amende� Camprehensive Plan; need to make this use comparable ta <br />8� other and similar uses in the area that would be respecff�l and compatible with those <br />8� ex�sting uses; and opined that the proposai needed substantially more work before it was <br />�2 acceptable En this established neighborhood. Mr. Coyl� advised that those he <br />�33 represented w�re not opposed to development of th� property; h�wever, ihat they were <br />&� asking for reasonable der�si#y comPat[ble with surrounding sites and projects. <br />85 5cott Roste, President of Midland Grove Conclominium Association, 2220 Midland <br />�6 Grove Road #�211, representing ri�emf�ers interested in this projeci <br />gi Mr. Roste further addresseci the 307 petitioner signatures col.lected and their <br />8� representation at fonight's meeting; and noted that this petEtion was differen# ihan that <br />8� presented at the previous m�eting; and opined that residents wouid be in favor o# <br />9D de�elopment of the property, but ai a Low to Medium Density designatian. <br />�1 Chair Bakeman read the Petition into the record.. <br />g2 Marie Woehlke, 2189 F�rris Lane, Ferriswoad Condominium Association <br />93 Ms. Waehlke, having purchased her property two {2) years ago, expressed her distress <br />�4 about a patential rental property adjacent to her property; opining ihat owner-occupied <br />95 buildings were better maintained and more attractive. Ms. Woehlke opined that the <br />�6 building was stili too tall; was too close to her and Mr. Enzfer`s Properties; and too close <br />97 to the lot fine, creating issues of potential noise and lack of privacy, and blocking sunlight. <br />98 Ann Bursh, 2220 Midland Gro�e, #209 <br />93 Ms. Bursch advised that she had performed a personaC survey over the past week af the <br />10o number af existing senior living ur�its in the Roseville area; and expressed concern, <br />101 based on her findings related to �xisting vacancies, with the senior housing marke€ <br />��2 becoming saturated. Ms. Bursh asked that Gommissioners consider the current economic <br />�03 situation and potential saies af senior citizen's homes in that market, in additian to their <br />��� reduced sales price; address density and traffic concerns as pr�viausly exprassed; and <br />i�5 nated ongoing concerns with too much buifding on too small af a site and reduced green <br />1�� space. <br />