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Imagine Roseville 2025 <br />Medium & Long Term Goals <br />June 2009 Update <br />Medium Term Goals <br />Attachment A <br />Encourage businesses with family- ❑ Twin Lakes infrastructure project out for bids. Expected start <br />sustaining jobs date, June 2009 PT �ov <br />❑ Segan the design work for the Twin Lakes public infrastructure to <br />better position the project to take advantage of development <br />opportunities when they arise. PT3io9 <br />❑ This past spring, the City created the Twin Lakes Public Financial <br />Participation Framework that created a high priority in granting TIF <br />funds within Twin Lakes to projects that create family-sustaining <br />]O�JS. PT7/OS <br />More actively support existing ❑ Worked with the Ramsey County and State of Minnesota to assist <br />businesses UV Color with their expansion plans. PT sio9 <br />❑ No new activity to report at this time. PT3io9 <br />❑ Given the budget dollars, funding is not possible for 2009. PT loros <br />❑ Staff has brought forward to the Council about participating in the <br />Twin Cities Capital Communiry Fund, which will lend money to <br />businesses in participating communities. Decision pending. PT �ios <br />Increase funding for and more actively <br />promote housing redesign program <br />❑ The Multi-Family loan program is in place, but no applications <br />have been received. PTSio9 <br />❑ The RHRA has discontinued the redesign program due to a lack of <br />interest. However, the RHRA has instituted a new multi-family loan <br />program to assist property owners to make exterior improvements and <br />incorporate energy efficient improvements in their buildings. PT3io9 <br />❑ Given the limited participation, the RHRA is proposing to no longer <br />fund the program and utilize funding for existing loan programs and <br />marketing of RHRA services to reach more residents. The RHRA is <br />preparing to create a multi-family rehab program to allow for <br />reinvestment in aging properties. PTloios <br />❑ In the past six months, the Roseville HRA has reviewed the existing <br />redesign program and has changed some of the program guidelines to <br />make it available to more people. Improvements to program ongoing. <br />PT 7/OS <br />Provide loans and other assistance to ❑ No new activity to report PT sio9 <br />help people maintain property ❑ The RHRA has created a new multi-family loan program to foster <br />reinvestment into the communiry's multi-family housing stock. In <br />addition, the City has improved its code enforcement policies and <br />procedures to better inform residents and property owners. PT3io9 <br />❑ In 2008, the Roseville HRA consolidated its loan program into one <br />program for easier convenience. The RHRA also continues to <br />contract with the Housing Resource Center which provides Roseville <br />residents technical assistance and advice regarding making <br />improvements to their property. PT loios <br />❑ In the past six months, the Roseville HRA has reviewed its existing <br />loan programs and has consolidated two loan programs into one and <br />have made the funds more available for residents to make exterior and <br />interior improvements. The Roseville HRA also added another <br />$133,000 to the loan pool. The Roseville HRA continues to contract <br />