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with the Housing Resource Center which provides Roseville residents <br />technical assistance and advice regarding making improvements to <br />their property. PT �ios <br />Seek collaborative partners and ❑ JPA signed with City of Vadnais Heights for IT support services. <br />alternative funding mechanisms Value of the contract is $48,000 annually. cn�r sio9 <br />❑ 2009 Joint Fiber Optic Network between Roseville Schools and <br />Ramsey County Library System to connect governmental <br />facilities. Total value of construction is approximately $225,000. <br />CM 6/09 <br />❑ Engaged the City of Lake Elmo to provide Accounting Services <br />generating surplus monies. cn�r3ro9 <br />❑ Provided City Manager proposal for creating a Streetlight Utility for <br />funding installation and operation of streetlights citywide. Ds loios <br />❑ Alternative funding mechanisms have been discussed briefly but not <br />yet researched to determine whether viable. cn�r �ios <br />Foster youth leadership and ❑ Re-implementation of the Police Explorers Program in 2008. cs 3io9 <br />development ❑ Improved relatively new Leaders in Training (LIT) program. No new <br />programs have begun at this time. z.a �ios <br />Citywide transportation system ❑ Will explore opportunities for connection from new Park N Ride <br />facility. Ds 3io9 <br />❑ Researching possibilities of moving youngsters to and from programs <br />and facilities. z.a �ios <br />Update Master Plans (to include parks <br />and community facilities) throughout <br />Parks & Recreation System. <br />❑ Received nine proposals, will interview three. Plan to make <br />recommendation in June or July 2009 z.a sio9 <br />❑ RFPs issued, proposals received and analyzed. Plan to bring to City <br />Council in March, 2009 for consideration. Difficult as no funding for <br />the project has been identified. z.a3io9 <br />❑ Pathway Master Plan approved by City Council in September. Ds loios <br />❑ RFP being finalized with Parks and Recreation Commission. Will <br />soon bring to City Council for input and authorization to issue. z.a loios <br />❑ Pathway Plan update underway. Ds �ios <br />❑ Met with six firms to gather pre request for proposal (RFP) <br />information. Plan to discuss further with Parks and Recreation <br />Commission at an upcoming meeting. z.a �ios <br />Include shade pavilions and/or park ❑ Will be incorporated into the anticipated Master Plan process to <br />shelters at all parks to promote determine need and locations. z.a �ios <br />neighborhood connections and <br />accommodate neighborhood gatherings <br />Revise water rates from use base to <br />conservation base incentives for 10-20% <br />reduction in residential and business <br />usage <br />Fund Citywide traffic model <br />❑ For 2009, adopted a conservation-based rate structure to encourage <br />water conservation and greater transparency in actual costs. cn�r3io9 <br />❑ PWETC recommendation for 2009 implementation at September 08 <br />meeting. Anticipate Council discussion November 2008. Ds loios <br />❑ Discussed with PWETC April, 2008 Council discussion <br />August/September 2008. Ds �ios <br />❑ Initial discussions are expected in the Fall of ' 08, but our rate <br />structure is heavily dependent on high water users to support utility <br />operations. It is unlikely that our rate structure could be changed to a <br />conservation base until 2010. cn�r �ios <br />❑ No new activity Ds sio9 <br />❑ No new activity (funding challenges). Ds 3io9 <br />❑ No new activity. �s loios <br />