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Ride faciliry. �s loios <br />❑ Continue to push this issue in all discussions with Metro Transit. Ds �ios <br />Encourage development of transit, ❑ In anticipation of designing a new zoning code, staff, the Planning <br />walkability and alternate Commission, and the City Council are reviewing the use of form- <br />transportation based codes for the new zoning code. Form based codes emphasize <br />walkability and alternative transportation. PT sio9 <br />❑ No new activity Ds 3io9 <br />❑ The City recently approved a new Metro Transit Park and Ride <br />Facility in the Twin Lakes area that will provide access to transit <br />Se1vlCes. PT 3�09 - see also Med Term Goals <br />❑ Included in Transportation section of Comp Plan. Ds loros <br />❑ The City has also been working with surrounding communities to <br />promote the development of the Northeast Diagonal as a transit <br />corridor. PT loios <br />❑ Identify needs in CIP 2009-2018 Meeting with Northeast Diagonal <br />cities to pursue getting corridor back into 2030 Plan. Ds �ios <br />❑ These items are being emphasized in the Comprehensive Plan Update <br />with the goal of making alternative forms of a greater priority in the <br />community's growth and redevelopment in the future. PT �ios <br />Work w/ Metro Transit to identify ❑ Under construction. Expected completion by 12/31/09 PT sro9 <br />location of long-term park-n-ride ❑ Metro Transit relooking at the Rice Street/Hwy 36 area Ds sio9 <br />facility ❑ Approved and open by 12/31/09 Ds3io9 <br />❑ The City Council approved the Metro Transit Park and Ride facility in <br />December 2008. Construction will commence in the spring of 2009 and <br />will be completed by the end of the 2009. PT3io9 <br />❑ Ongoing. The City Council is currently considering the construction of <br />a new park and ride facility located within Twin Lakes that is expected <br />to replace the spaces at Rosedale Mall after 2011. Staff continues to <br />have dialogue with Metro Transit staff regarding needs for additional <br />park and ride facilities. PT loros <br />❑ Council Consideration of Twin Lakes facility October 2008. Ds loros <br />❑ Underway for Twin Lakes, additional future needs along Hwy 36 <br />corridor east end of Roseville. Ds �ios <br />Continue to lobby for the Northeast ❑ No new activity to report at this time. PT sio9 <br />Diagonal transit line ❑ No new activity to report at this time. PT3io9 <br />❑ City is currently working with the City of Vadnais Heights to build a <br />coalition with surrounding communities to promote the development of <br />the NE Diagonal as a transit corridor. Language supporting the use of <br />the NE Diagonal is currently in the draft Comp Plan. PT loros <br />❑ Council Discussion September 2008. Ds loros <br />❑ Meeting with adjacent cities July 2008. Ds �ios <br />