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Encourage development of transit, <br />walkability and alternate transportation <br />Long Term Goals <br />Develop program to provide fire, ❑ <br />safety, CPR, fire extinguisher training <br />to businesses <br />❑ <br />❑ CIP discussion item. Ds �ios <br />❑ Rice Street Interchange design will incorporate bike and ped <br />facilities into the design and have discussed transit needs with Met <br />Counci. Ds sro9 <br />❑ In anticipation of designing a new zoning code, staff, the Planning <br />Commission, and the City Council are reviewing the use of form- <br />based codes for the new zoning code. Form based codes <br />emphasize walkability and alternative transportation. PT sio9 - see <br />also Long Term Goals <br />❑ The City recently approved a new Metro Transit Park and Ride <br />Facility in the Twin Lakes area that will provide access to transit <br />Se1vlCes. PT3�o9 - see also Long Term Goals <br />❑ Comp Plan Transportation section discusses each of these items. <br />Council discussion October 08. Ds loios <br />❑ Livable Communities concepts incorporated into design guidelines, <br />Pathway Master Plan discusses ped and bike goals and policies. Ds �ios <br />The Fire Department started offering fire training classes and CPR <br />classes to businesses and community members who request such <br />training. This started with the adoption of the City Fee Schedule on <br />November 17, ZOOi. RG 3/09 <br />The Fire Dept will begin offering CPR/AED at a rate of $80 per student <br />and Safery Training at a rate of $80 per hour. Costs will cover prorated <br />trainer's salary/benefits, books, training materials, administrative time. <br />These services will be offered to businesses once the City's fee <br />schedule is amended to include these fees and this IR2025 goal will be <br />complete. xc �ios <br />Community Center Discussion ❑ Will be incorporated into the anticipated Master Plan process to <br />determine need and locations. z.a �ios <br />Establish a Community Resource and ❑ Proposal accepted by the 2009 Leadership St. Paul Program to assign a <br />Volunteer Center/Network with group to Roseville to enhance the volunteer program by creating a <br />support and coordinating staff to comprehensive community volunteer model. z.a 3io9 <br />recruit, train, nurture volunteers. ❑ Researching possible resources needed to establish such a program and <br />what a program of this type would look like. z.a �ios <br />Identify segments with poor or no ❑ No new activity. Ds sro9 <br />connection. Follow Master plan guide. ❑ Developing Fairview NTP Pathway project for 2009 construction. <br />Address Hwy 36 and Snelling crossing Seeking funding opportunities. Ds 3ro9 <br />barriers: tunnels or bridges at Lydia, ❑ pathway Master Plan adopted September 08. Seeking funding <br />Co C, Co B, or Roselawn opportunities. Ds loios <br />❑ Discussed as part of Pathway Plan update, incorporate into final draft <br />plus additional locations. Ds �ios <br />Consider Roundabouts, if space and ❑ First Roundabout will be constructed late summer 2009 in Twin <br />buying R.O.W. is feasible Lakes Phase I Ds sio9 <br />❑ Roundabout included in Phase I Twin Lakes improvements construction <br />2009. DS 3/09 <br />❑ NO T12W 1Ct1V1�. DS IO/OS <br />❑ Look into ROW requirements and identify possible corridors 2009. Ds <br />7/OS <br />Add buses and routes for flexibility ❑ No new activity Ds sio9 <br />and suburb-to-suburb travel ❑ Explore opportunities created by new Park N Ride Ds 3io9 <br />❑ Discussed this flexibility with Metro Transit for Twin Lakes Park N <br />