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base map at a point when more detailed information is required. For compatibility with the city's existing digital <br />information, additions will be made using AutoCAD or ArcView. <br />1.04 Prepare demographic projections using the city's comprehensive plan update as the source of information. <br />Working with city staff, we will assemble projections of demographic changes that will particularly impact the <br />park system and record findings in Memorandum #1. <br />1.05 Prepare community context mapping as a means of identifying significant areas of change posed in the <br />comprehensive plan, with attention to changes that might influence park system components. <br />1.06 Assemble a"Master Plan Update" workbook for use by staff and the PARMPUT that includes, initially, the <br />Foundation Documents report, significant existing documents relating to parks, and other pertinent. The <br />workbook is aimed at establishing a baseline of information for all parties at the start of the planning process, <br />and it will be used as a true workbook throughout the planning process—with new information provided to the <br />PARMPUT as deliverables are created. <br />1.07 Tour existing park and recreation facilities with city staff and representatives of the PARMPUT, noting system <br />highlights and deficiencies referenced by the PARPMUT; adjust the base map or park facility inventory based on <br />found conditions. <br />1.08 Meet with the PARMPUT to review the planning process and the information gathered to date. While the focus <br />of this meeting will be the master plan, this meeting gives us the opportunity for the PARMPUT to share their <br />initial ideas for a park and recreation vision for Roseville, which we will summarize in the form of goals, desires, <br />and even initial visionary ideas in Memorandum #2. <br />1.09 Assemble a summary of the work of Stage One for use by city staff and the PARMPUT in updates to city boards <br />and commissions, and for informing stakeholder groups and the community about the progress of the master <br />planning process. We will participate in an update to the Parks and Recreation Commission and the City Council <br />as a part of this task. <br />Stage One Deliverables <br />Meeting minutes from staff and PARMPUT meetings <br />Foundation Documents summary <br />Project base map (assumes using information readily available from the city) <br />Memorandum #1: Demographic projections <br />Community context mapping demonstrating areas of change that may impact the park system <br />Master Plan "workbook" <br />Summary of tour in the form of adjustment to base and context mapping <br />Memorandum #2: PARMPUT goals, desires and initial ideas <br />Summary of Stage One work documented in a PowerPoint presentation <br />Stage Two: Explore <br />The work of Stage Two represents what could be the most important component of the planning process. We intend to <br />prepare, in concert with staff and the PARMPUT, a general plan that explores possible scenarios for the evolution of <br />Roseville's park and recreation system. Policy directions will also be explored, but the early focus of this stage will be a <br />