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workshop orchestrated to draw input from the PARMPUT directly into the planning process during two intensive <br />planning sessions. <br />The details and schedule of each planning session will be defined with staff, but it should occur at a time when most <br />PARMPUT members can participate. It is anticipated that planning sessions will intensive sessions (that is, more than a <br />one or two hour meeting). The first such session would be directed toward exploring the changing park needs of the <br />community and imagining how the parks might fit into an evolving Roseville. A follow-up session would focus on <br />concrete ideas about how the parks can respond to that evolution in terms of facility development, programming, and <br />other changes. This approach offers the chance to directly engage the PARMPUT in accomplishing real work, to resolve <br />directions early (or to identify areas where more intensive study may be required), and, most importantly, to establish a <br />real dialog about the critical issues and opportunities that influence Roseville's park and recreation system. <br />A vision—the focus of Part One—is often defined by words alone. A well-crafted narrative can be compelling, evocative, <br />and inspiring, but words reinforced by illustrations give people real insights about what their future parks might be. Our <br />real challenge in this stage of the work is to frame the vision with words and pictures that people believe in and want to <br />help achieve. <br />Stage Two Tasks <br />2.01 Conduct Community Meeting 1 to identify the priority issues to be dealt with during the park master planning <br />process. We will share information about the kind of community Roseville is today, based on demographic <br />information collected earlier, as well as the kind of place it will become assuming that certain trends continue. <br />There is a bit of "futuring" in this description, but we've found it helpful to offer this information as the <br />community begins to shape a vision for its future. The focus of this session will be issues—factors and influences <br />(positive and negative) that are shaping the community's park system, and ideas—possibilities for enhancing the <br />park system or the way it functions. This workshop, like others during the master planning process, will be <br />focused on interactions with participants through a combination of large and small group discussions, along with <br />reporting of findings by the groups. As we become more familiar with the community and the desires of the <br />PARMPUT, we will frame a more detailed agenda and review the kinds of questions that we would ask of <br />participants with the PARMPUT. Finally, we would summarize the input provided during this meeting. <br />2.02 Conduct interviews in an effort to better understand the conditions, issues, and opportunities facing Roseville's <br />park system from the perspective of key stakeholder groups. We will conduct interviews on two days with <br />individuals, groups, or agencies defined by the city (assuming the list of twenty groups identified in the RFP as <br />the starting point). Interviews will be summarized for use by the PARMPUT. <br />2.03 Conduct Listening Sessions with focus groups or neighborhoods to gain insights that are not program specific (as <br />input from the interviews might be described). While the first community workshop is open to the community <br />and focuses attention toward community-wide concerns, there will be areas of more direct concern for certain <br />segments of the community. We anticipate conducting Listening Sessions with up to six groups. These sessions <br />are not a presentation environment; rather, we intend to create a more "free-form" dialog with Listening <br />Session participants. The input from each session will be summarized for distribution to the PARMPUT, and a <br />general summary of all the sessions will be created for use in the master plan. <br />2.04 Identify, based on research of national trends, the relationship between the community and economic and <br />social conditions in a community, and to the extent possible (from locally available information) demonstrate <br />the impact of parks on development patterns in Roseville. Research will be summarized in Memorandum #3. <br />