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4.10 Adjust the draft document based on input from the PARMPUT, and submit the final Parks and Recreation System <br />Master Plan and a summary PowerPoint presentation for use in meetings with decision makers and <br />stakeholders. <br />4.11 Meet with the PARMPUT to review the process of moving the master plan forward for adoption by the city. <br />4.12 Attend meetings of the Park and Recreation Commission and City Council for review of the Master Plan (assume <br />one meeting with each body). <br />Stage Four Deliverables <br />Master Plan outline for review by the PARMPUT <br />Summary of ineetings with the PARMPUT <br />Implementation sequence for park improvements <br />Opinions of probable cost for park system improvements <br />Recommendations for phasing of parking improvements <br />Recommendations for capital funding sources <br />Draft Master Plan report <br />Summary of Community Meeting #4 <br />The Master Plan report, delivered as ten hard copies bound in a three-ring binder, along with digital versions of <br />the report in native and pdf format, and a PowerPoint summary of the vision; we envision this as a complement <br />to The Vision report delivered at the completion of Stage Two. <br />Schedule <br />We have reviewed the general schedule framed in the Request for Proposals and believe that the work required <br />can be accomplished within that timeframe. The following schedule suggests the way the four broad tasks <br />identified in our Work Plan might occur so that the planning process is complete and ready for action by the <br />Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council in late 2009. A more detailed plan will be defined in concert <br />with city staff and the PARMPUT. <br />