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Individual park master plans for eight city parks <br />Summary of Community Meeting #3 <br />Summary of Stage One work documented in a PowerPoint presentation <br />Stage Four: Act <br />The final stage of the work plan involves the critical step of making the plan a reality. Beyond simply drafting the master <br />plan, taking the plan forward for review and adoption will occur during this stage of the work. Several key tasks are <br />included in this work that help to frame the details of implementation—the strategies that become the foundation for <br />implementing the community's vision. This stage of the work lays the groundwork for a plan that is useful and useable <br />on an ongoing basis. But most important, we believe that for this master plan to be successful, it must be understood, <br />used, and loved by the community—they have to want it to happen! <br />Stage Three Tasks <br />4.01 Prepare an outline of the master plan that includes those elements that are included directly as a result of this <br />master planning effort, and that highlights those elements that would be recommended as follow-through <br />efforts (those that cannot be accomplished under this contract, or that might be better completed in concert <br />with other planning stages of the implementation). <br />4.02 Meet with the PARMPUT to review the work of Stage Three, the findings of the master planning process to this <br />point, including the reaction of the community to the master plan as shared during Community Workshop #3, <br />and the outline of the master plan posed in Task 4.01. <br />4.03 Establish an implementation sequence based on priorities, opportunities, need, and other factors that might <br />suggest logic in the planned evolution of the park system. <br />4.04 Develop opinions of probable cost for implementation of the major park system components described in the <br />master plan, and for selected individual park master plans, (including cost estimates for the preparation of <br />construction documents for the proposed improvements). Costs will be framed in 2009 dollars, or as directed <br />by city staff based on implementation sequencing. <br />4.05 Recommend phasing of park improvements based on the implementation sequence, costs, and funding <br />opportunities, focusing in particular on a series of impactful first step projects that characterize the new way of <br />thinking about parks under this master plan. <br />4.06 Meet with the PARMPUT to propose capital funding priorities for improvements and acquisitions based on the <br />previously identified tasks. <br />4.07 Prepare draft Parks and Recreation System Master Plan. The document would be organized much like this <br />planning process, with the first part inspiring readers with the common vision of the community, and the second <br />part defining the most appropriate road map for accomplishing that vision. Key decisions about the content of <br />the document, the kinds of information that should be included in the body of the document; the format, tone, <br />and personality of the document; and information appropriate to an appendix will be coordinated with city staff. <br />4.08 Meet with the PARMPUT to review the draft Parks and Recreation System Master Plan, and note the group's <br />recommendations for changes to the document. <br />4.09 Conduct Community Meeting #4 to share the draft Parks and Recreation System Master Plan. We will document <br />comments offered during the meeting for review by the PARMPUT. <br />