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City Council Meeting Minutes
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2/4/2010 1:53:16 PM
Creation date
7/30/2009 10:30:27 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 13, 2009 <br />Page 12 <br />Councilmember Johnson noted the hundreds of interested residents attending the <br />Imagine Roseville 2025 community visioning meetings, specifically the Parks and <br />Open Space Subcommittee, and their overwhelming and emotional support of <br />parks and recreation planning. Councilmember Johnson also noted that the Com- <br />prehensive Plan Steering Committee had purposely avoided making provisions <br />for parks and open spaces in anticipation of the proposed Master Planning proc- <br />ess. Councilmember Johnson opined that it was imperative for the City to plan <br />responsibly for the future; and spoke in support of the motion. <br />Councilmember Roe expressed his support. of the Master Planning process, noting <br />two key elements: the deliverables in Stage 4 of the process with recommendation <br />for phasing, and identification of capital funding sources. Councilmember Roe <br />opined that these were both key outputs of this, and that the needs assessment was <br />also a critical component. Councilmember Roe recognized current economics; <br />however, opined that this served as a careful use of public monies and made <br />sense, in addition to use of park dedication fees, and sooner than later. <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that $125,000 was a lot of public money to spend on <br />consultants; and that the study should be done with in-house resources, even if <br />time was tight, especially during this tough economy and during tight budget <br />years. Councilmember Ihlan noted that there were not sufficient funds in the Park <br />Improvement Fund (PIP) to do current and necessary repairs; and opined that it <br />was wrong to spend this money on consultants. Councilmember Ihlan reiterated <br />her interpretation of state law regarding use of the Park Dedication Fund for this. <br />City Manager Malinen advised, along with Mr. Brokke that in-house staff re- <br />sources were unavailable, nor did sufficient expertise indicate that route; along <br />with reminding Councilmembers that the most recent budget reductions had in- <br />cluded reducing the Parks Department Budget by $170,000 and by 1.5 FTE (Full- <br />Time Employee Equivalent). <br />Councilmember Roe noted that, while the money was being used for a consultant, <br />the City was receiving a product in return, providing a plan for long-range park <br />planning, a component that was sorely lacking right now, making decision- <br />making problematic and without a process for involving the community and creat- <br />ing a long-term vision. Councilmember Roe opined that the current lack of plan- <br />ning caused poor decision-making, deferred asset maintenance, and more spend- <br />ing in the long-term. <br />Mayor Klausing noted that the City of Roseville ran an extremely lean operation, <br />making it difficult to have staff resources available for such projects as this, in <br />addition to the extra expertise required. Mayor Klausing opined that this expendi- <br />ture was money well spent at this point in the process to move the City's park sys- <br />tem forward into the future; and that while he had some concern with the expendi- <br />ture, he would support the motion. <br />
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