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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
2/4/2010 1:53:16 PM
Creation date
7/30/2009 10:30:27 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 13, 2009 <br />Page 17 <br />Mayor Klausing noted that there were three specific actions requested for action <br />by the City Council at tonight's meeting; and sought clarification from City At- <br />torney Anderson related to super or simple majority voting requirements on these <br />actions. <br />City Attorney Anderson noted that, under State Statute, Chapter 462.355, subd. 2, <br />any amendment to the comprehensive plan required a 2/3 majority vote, indicat- <br />ing four affirmative votes of the City Council <br />Mayor Klausing noted that. this item had been heard before the Planning Commis- <br />. Sion and City Council multiple times to-date. Mayor Klausing further noted, for <br />the benefit of the City Council and public, that if there was insufficient support <br />for amending the comprehensive plan, the other requested actions became aca- <br />demic as they were prefaced on changing the comprehensive plan. Therefore, <br />Mayor Klausing invited public comment, asking that it be kept brief, and specifi- <br />cally addressing the comprehensive plan amendment for high density rezoning as <br />much as possible. Mayor Klausing further requested that speakers keep the five <br />(5) minute time limit in mind. <br />Public Comment <br />Written Comment, in the form of a bench handout, was received in opposition to <br />the project from Gertrude Coad, 2200 - 306 Midland Grove Road. <br />Scott Roste, President of Midland Grove Condominium Association <br />Mr. Roste expressed appreciation to the City Council, Planning Commission, staff <br />and developers for their time and attention to concerns expressed previously. Mr. <br />Roste opined that this developer's request was unique in the need for comprehen- <br />sive plan amendment in addition to the need for a PUD to allow significant devia- <br />tion of code requirements, and not comparable to other projects used by staff in <br />their report as comparable projects. Mr. Roste reminded Councilmembers of the <br />vocal and significantly numbered public opposition originally expressed, and con- <br />tinuing concerns, especially from those within the neighborhood that is to be sig- <br />nificantly impacted by the proposed development. Mr. Roste addressed-the pre- <br />viously-submitted petition in opposition from the surrounding neighbors and their <br />continuing opposition based on the density of the proposed project on this size of <br />a lot. Mr. Roste opined that many residents would support medium density zon- <br />ing, or a project allowing that density on that specific property; but could not sup- <br />port high density so close to other properties and lack of green space preservation. <br />Mr. Roste reiterated previously-addressed concerns of petitioner related to traffic <br />concerns, drainage issues, minimal pedestrian access for the property, and financ- <br />ing and management of the project. Mr. Roste respectfully requested that the City <br />Council deny this project and any comprehensive plan amendment at this time; <br />and after further consideration if this orphan property needed to be rezoned to re- <br />zone it as medium density, but not high density. <br />
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