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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 10, 2009 <br />Page 10 <br />ment be consistent with other departments to allow for easier understanding by <br />the public. Councilmember Pust opined that "we can do better" in using this as a <br />marketing tool or for dissemination to the public; and that the larger items needed <br />more City Council discussion. Councilmember Pust advised that she needed to <br />do more review of the draft CIP based on her discussions in the community over <br />the last few weeks. <br />Mayor Klausing requested that City Manager Malinen ask staff, as a stylistic mat- <br />ter, that departments make their sections more consistent; and that those items <br />needing further discussion at City Council meetings be highlighted for upcoming <br />meeting agendas as appropriate. <br />Further discussion included the plan's purpose, from a City Council policy- <br />making perspective, as a compilation of items with a level of consensus when <br />money became available; and clarification in the document that the pathway <br />amounts are a portion of or the entire build out over a 10 year period. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that the department-specific strategic plans were dif- <br />ferent and separate from the CIP; however, concurred that the formatting needed <br />to be more consistent among and between departments and categories, allowing <br />City Council comments to the City Manager following presentation by Mr. Miller <br />of the detailed spreadsheets. <br />No formal action taken. <br />b. Discuss Revised Professional Services Policy <br />City Manager Malinen presented the most compiled revisions to a Professional <br />Services Policy, with input from Councilmembers Pust and Roe. <br />Mayor Klausing opined that overall he was pleased with the proposed language, <br />its intent and purpose, in accomplishing the City Council's goals in the best inter- <br />est of the taxpayers. <br />Mayor Klausing questioned language related to "term-based" contracts (page 1, <br />line 30) versus "multi-year" contracts (page 1, line 34) and whether they were one <br />in the same. <br />City Manager Malinen clarified that they were one in the same, but that "multi- <br />year" seemed to provide more clarity. <br />Mayor Klausing questioned the wording on page 1, line 45, "forms," with City <br />Manager Malinen advising that this should be "firms." <br />Mayor Klausing questioned the need to have City Council representation (page 1, <br />line 44) for interviews and evaluation of candidate firms, given the statutory pro- <br />